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Guidance and coordination of affiliated organizations

Last updated on February 10, 2025.

Affiliated organizations respond to changes in socio-economic conditions and diversifying needs of citizens, utilize private funds, human resources, and management know-how to efficiently and flexibly provide public and public interest businesses and services. It was established to do so, and plays an important role in providing stable public services.
In Yokohama City, we are working to improve management standards with the aim of further enhancing public services provided by affiliated organizations.

An affiliated organization of Yokohama City

An affiliated organization is an organization established by Yokohama City to provide public and public interest services effectively and efficiently while utilizing private funds, human resources, and management know-how.
The scope is, in principle, an organization with a stake of 25% or more in Motoichi.

Efforts to Reform Affiliated Organizations

The environment surrounding affiliated organizations is changing dramatically, and organizations are required to work on management reforms with a sense of crisis and to realize even more efficient and effective public services. We introduce approach of past affiliated group reform in Motoichi.

Efforts to improve the management of affiliated organizations

In Motoichi, we utilize management improvement committees such as affiliated groups and push forward approach of "contract management cycle" and decide that city and affiliated group work together to plan management improvement continuously.

Establishment of management improvement committees for affiliated organizations, etc.

In October 2014, in order to ensure proper management of affiliated organizations, etc., and to consider from a professional and objective standpoint in response to the mayor's consultation so that they can be properly involved in each group, Yokohama City Outer Organization Management Improvement Committee "has been established.
As for summary of management improvement committees such as Yokohama-shi affiliated groups, the holding situation, deliberation document, minutes, please see "management improvement committees such as Yokohama-shi affiliated groups" page.

Formulation and comprehensive evaluation of the agreement through the agreement management cycle

Each affiliated organization has set a major management goal for a certain period of time as a "contract" with Motoichi, and is promoting the "contract management cycle" with the aim of promoting the improvement of group management.

Image of the Contract Management Cycle

Agreements, etc.

In the agreement management cycle, Motoichi and affiliated organizations will discuss and decide on "contracts (directions of group management and agreements)" for a certain period (2 to 5 years), and proceed with initiatives based on them. .

Classification and Concept of Group Management
Classification of the direction of group management Concept
Organizations that consider integration and abolition
  • What should be abolished promptly
  • For abolition, those that should systematically proceed with remaining duties and property consolidation during the agreement period
  • What should be aimed at continuation of current public interest services through integration, etc.
Organizations that promote initiatives for transition to private entities
  • Those that should review the involvement of the city and shift to private-based management during the agreement period
  • Financial conditions should be improved during the agreement period in order to shift to private-sector management after improvement of financial conditions, etc.
Organizations working on organizing and prioritizing businesses
  • Business reforms involving the consolidation of businesses should be promoted in order to realize group management (public interest mission, etc.) and improve financial conditions
  • Businesses that should be prioritized to strengthen the realization of group management (public interest missions, etc.)
  • Businesses that should be organized, including considering the use of the local incorporated administrative agency system.
Organizations that continue to improve management
  • Continue to maintain and improve the current group management and financial situation, and promote effective and efficient management to achieve our mission.
  • There is no problem with group management (public interest mission, etc.), but efforts should be made to improve the financial situation.
  • There is no problem with group management (public interest mission, etc.), but we need to consider a wide range of future management styles while aiming to return ordinary profit and loss to profitability early.

Comprehensive evaluation

About approach result of each group based on "direction of group management and agreement", we utilize management improvement committees such as Yokohama-shi affiliated groups every year and perform general evaluation. The Management Improvement Committee, such as Yokohama City Affiliated Organizations, evaluates and gives advice, including "general management soundness" and "response to changes in the environment" in addition to the achievement of the goals set forth in the agreement. Based on these, affiliated organizations and jurisdiction bureaus will take necessary measures, such as further enhancing and reviewing the business.

Classification and Concept of Comprehensive Evaluation Results
Classification of Comprehensive Evaluation Results Concept

Continue to promote initiatives
/ Group management is steady※

※Classification name at the time of final review
  • We have achieved planned results with respect to the agreement targets.
    Continue to promote the set direction. [During the Agreement] /
    Group management is progressing smoothly. [At the end of the agreement period]
Pay attention to business progress, environmental changes, etc.
  • Although the planned results have been achieved with respect to the agreement goals, it is expected to be considered because there are issues to be noted.
  • We hope that you will point out the progress (achievement) status of the agreement goals and respond to issues that need to be noted.
It is necessary to strengthen initiatives and respond to issues.
  • Although the planned results have been achieved with respect to the agreement goals, it is necessary to respond to major issues.
  • It is necessary to strengthen initiatives related to the agreement goals and respond to major issues.
It is necessary to review the direction of group management
  • In order for organizations to promote their business based on the public interest mission, serious issues (e.g., efforts do not contribute to the public interest mission, drastic review of the business is necessary to respond to environmental changes, etc.) It is necessary to review the direction of group management.

Positioning in the Yokohama Medium-Term Plan 2022-2025

In Yokohama-shi medium-term plan 2022-2025, we decide to promote management improvement of affiliated group as approach of promotion of sustainable administrative administration to meet citizen needs. We will steadily implement the agreement management cycle and promote further management improvement of affiliated organizations and contribution to Motoichi finance by selection and concentration of business. .

Information disclosure and reference materials related to affiliated organizations

Documents explaining the management status of a corporation

The management status of affiliated organizations is reported to Congress every year based on the provisions of the Local Autonomy Law. In Motoichi, among affiliated groups, groups based on Local Government Act Article 221 Clause 3 are statutory groups, and other groups are groups equivalent to statutory groups, and "documents explaining the business status of corporations" are each created and reported.

Note: The above “Documents explaining the business status of corporations” include organizations other than affiliated organizations.

Data on Yokohama City Affiliated Organizations

Introduces data on the human and financial relationship between Yokohama City and affiliated organizations, the status of the affiliated organizations as a whole, and changes over time.

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Inquiries to this page

General Affairs Bureau Administration Management Division (in charge of affiliated organizations)

Phone: 045-671-2110

Phone: 045-671-2110

Fax: 045-664-5917

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 976-494-898


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