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Notice Concerning Revision of seal Signatures to Application Forms

Last updated on December 4, 2024.

We will sequentially abolish seal signatures for applications submitted at the window or by mail that are determined by the city by itself.
Regarding procedures required for seal and signatures under national laws and regulations, we will respond in accordance with the revision of national laws and regulations.


Details of the review

About applicable procedures, timing of abolition, and department in charge

List of procedures to abolish the seal Signature and to be abolished (PDF: 1,589KB) (as of October 1, 2024: 6,025) (of which 6,004 were abolished (*))
 ※Percentage of the number of abolished cases: 99%

Procedures requiring seal Signature (PDF: 340KB) (As of October 1, 2024: 432*)
 ※This includes the abolition of seal only.

・The above list of procedures for which the seal Signature was reviewed in fiscal 2020.
・For the latest status of each procedure, please contact the department in charge of each procedure.
・Please note that the name of the procedure and the name of the document may differ.

How to fill out the application form

Please fill out the application form with the abolition of the seal signature.
・Signatures include prints, rubber stamps and stamps, as well as self-writing.
・Even if there is a "mark" in the form such as the application form, it can be used as it is.


・Please contact the relevant department for details regarding individual procedures.

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Inquiries to this page

Document Management Section, General Affairs Bureau Administrative Management Division

Phone: 045-671-4325

Phone: 045-671-4325

Fax: 045-664-5917

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 430-871-298


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