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About use of cookpad (Yokohama-shi public information section)

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

The Policy Administration Bureau Public Relations Division of Yokohama uses Cookpads to actively disseminate recipes prepared by each ward bureau, such as promoting the appeal of food in Yokohama, promoting health, promoting locally grown and consumed and other dietary education.

Cookpad is a communication service on the Internet that posts and browses information such as recipes and menus. (It is operated by Cookpad Co., Ltd.)

Anyone who has an Internet environment (PC, smartphone, mobile phone, etc.) can view the recipe.

If you have an account, please follow Tsukurepo and kitchen.

How to view, etc.

Yokohama City Official Cookpad Page (Official Kitchen) Operation Policy

1 Operation

(1)Cookpad page (official kitchen) URL (external site)

(2)Information sender

Policy Administration Bureau Public Relations Section, Section in charge of each ward bureau (“Cookpad Use Start Notification” Notification Section)

(3)Contents of transmission

We will send out recipes created by each ward bureau at any time, such as promoting the appeal of food in Yokohama, promoting health, promoting locally grown and consumed and other food education.

(4)Operational Manager

Chief of Public Relations Section, Policy Administration Bureau, Yokohama City

2 Management of comments (Tsukurepo, etc.)

(1)About reply to comment

This account is managed by the Public Relations Section of Policy Administration Bureau, Yokohama City. In principle, we will not respond to this account. About opinion, suggestion to Yokohama-shi including this section, we accept in "suggestion from citizen".

(2)About deletion (hiding) of comment

In operation of this page, comments that are not related to the outgoing information or comments that are judged to fall under the following items may be deleted (hidden) without notice to the contributor of the comment.

  • Content that violates or is likely to violate laws, regulations, etc.
  • Anything that violates public order and morals
  • For political and religious activities
  • Those that promote criminal acts
  • Those that promote discrimination or discrimination in race, thought, beliefs, etc.
  • Those that slander specific individuals, companies, organizations, etc., or damage honor or credibility
  • Those that infringe on privacy, such as identifying, disclosing, or leaking personal information without the consent of the individual
  • Those that infringe on the patent rights, design rights, copyrights, trademark rights, portrait rights, etc. of the city or a third party
  • Advertising, advertising, solicitation, business activities, and other commercial purposes
  • Impersonating other users or third parties
  • False or remarkably different from the facts, and those that promote mere rumors and rumors
  • Comments with the same content that are repeatedly posted by the same user
  • Hazardous programs, etc.
  • Including obscene expressions
  • Those that alter part or all of the contents sent by this section
  • Anything that seems to violate the Cookpad Terms of Service
  • In addition, information deemed inappropriate by Yokohama City and links containing these contents

3 Intellectual Property Rights

  1. The information sent on this page cannot be reprinted without permission from Yokohama City, except for acts permitted by the Copyright Act, such as private use or citation. When quoting, etc., be sure to specify the source by an appropriate method.
  2. The copyright, etc. concerning the comments etc. posted by the user belongs to the user who made the posting, but once the posting has been made, the user will use the posted content to Yokohama City free of charge worldwide. You agree that you have granted the right to use it in a non-exclusive manner and that you will not exercise any copyright, etc. against Yokohama City.

4 Disclaimer

  1. In principle, this account will not follow the kitchen or comment on recipes (such as Tsukurepo).
  2. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information transmitted on this page, Yokohama City does not assume any responsibility for any actions performed by users using the information transmitted on this page. .
  3. Yokohama City is not responsible for any troubles between users and third parties or damages incurred due to the information sent on this page.
  4. Advertisements displayed by using the cookpad are not set by Yokohama City or the contents or display, and do not recommend specific businesses.
  5. Yokohama City is not responsible for any comments on this page posted by users.
  6. In addition, Yokohama City is not responsible for any damages arising in connection with this page.

5 Personal Information

We do not collect personal information on this page.

6 Changes to Operation Policy

The operation policy on this page is subject to change without prior notice.

About the end of publication on page 7

This page may be closed or closed without notice in advance.

Operation Policy Formulation Date

Date of formulation December 1, 2015 Revision Date November 10, 2023

Privacy Policy

Cookpad Service Privacy Policy (external site)

Inquiries to this page

Public Relations Section, Policy Administration Bureau City Promotion Promotion Office

Phone: 045-671-2349

Phone: 045-671-2349

Fax: 045-661-2351

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 741-269-562


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