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Press Release FY2019
- February 17, 2020 Asahi Ward Walking Guide “MAP” is completed (Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division)
- February 14, 2020 The 21st Asahi Ward Mental Health and Welfare Seminar will be held! People with mental disabilities (Elderly and Disabled Support Division Asahi Ward, Health and Welfare Center) who seem to be scared
- January 06, 2020 [Press Release] Asahi Ward Suicide Countermeasures Lecture "Okay, you can help just by being" (Rika Kayama) (Elderly and Disabled Support Division Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center)
- November 29, 2019 [Press Release] The 12th Asahi Ward Community Life Support Forum will be held (Elderly and Disabled Support Division Asahi Ward, Health and Welfare Center)
- November 18, 2019 [Press Release] Finally, we will hold the finale "Junior Volunteer Experience Project" experience presentation! (Health and Welfare Division Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center)
- November 15, 2019 Asahi Ward Consumer University (Regional Promotion Division Asahi Ward General Affairs Department)
- October 17, 2019 "Walking stamp rally Tournament" will be held! (Health and Welfare Division Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center)
- October 16, 2019 About cancellation of bid for design work consignment ordered by Asahi Public Works Office (Asahi Ward Asahi Public Works Office)
- October 16, 2019 The 30th Asahi contact inhabitant of a ward festival held! (Regional Promotion Division Asahi Ward General Affairs Department)
- September 30, 2019 [Press Release] Asahi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the birth of Asahi Ward on October 1, 2019.
- September 20, 2019 Asahi-kun Picture Book Presentation Ceremony & Fun Storytelling Party in Hinatabokko (Regional Promotion Division, Asahi Ward), General Affairs Department, Japan
- September 18, 2019 [Press Release] Elderly and Disabled Support Division, Asahi Ward, Health and Welfare Center, Japan
- September 04, 2019 Asahi Ward's 50th anniversary commemorative project "Asahi-kun Picture Book" is completed! Introducing the charm of Asahi Ward, a town that is kind to child-rearing (Regional Promotion Division Asahi Ward, General Affairs Department)
- August 26, 2019 [Press Release] We will hold a super-unique collaboration lecture by comedians and social welfare university teachers on the theme of hikikomori and poor living (Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center Life Support Division)
- July 18, 2019 Yokohama's best outdoor jazz festival! '19 Yokohama Asahi Jazz Festival (Asahi Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division)
- July 09, 2019 Asahi Ward Consumer University (Regional Promotion Division Asahi Ward General Affairs Department)
- June 28, 2019 The 6th Appare Festa will be held (Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division)
- April 25, 2019 The 50th anniversary of the constituency system Asahi / Seya inhabitant of a ward DAY 2 wards will be held for the first time! (Regional Promotion Division Seya Ward General Affairs Department)
- April 24, 2019 About error in May issue of public information Yokohama Asahi Ward edition (Ward Administration Promotion DivisionAsahi Ward General Affairs Department)
Page ID: 315-827-087