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  7. Let's support Yokohama FC! Asahi Kumin DAY Invited 1,000 people who live, work, or attend school in Asahi Ward

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Let's support Yokohama FC! Asahi Kumin DAY Invited 1,000 people who live, work, or attend school in Asahi Ward

Last updated on May 29, 2024.

Press release materials

May 29, 2024

Asahi Ward Regional Promotion Division

Moto Nishihara

TEL: 045-954-6090

Fax: 045-955-3341

In Asahi Ward, in collaboration with Yokohama City's professional soccer team Yokohama FC, "Asahi Kumin DAY" will be held on Saturday, July 6 at the 2024 Meiji Yasuda J2 League Round 23 Brown Britz Akita match.
In addition to inviting and preferential treatment of 1,000 people who live, work, or attend school (at school) and their families in Asahi-ku, Yokohama City to the game, we also offer hands-on events limited to the inhabitant of a ward DAY. Please take this opportunity to visit Nippatsu Mitsuzawa Stadium and thank you for your hot support for Yokohama FC! !

Press release materials

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Page ID: 387-716-125


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