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  6. Press Release FY2021
  7. [Press Release] We will hold a presentation ceremony of a letter of appreciation for the donation of "stockpiling for disasters"!

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[Press Release] We will hold a presentation ceremony of a letter of appreciation for the donation of "stockpiling for disasters"!

Last updated on October 1, 2021.

Press release materials

October 1, 2021

Isogo Ward General Affairs Division

Yutaka Ono

TEL: 045-750-2310

Fax: 045-750-2530

The Isogo Ward Disaster Volunteer Network “Women's Association” donated hygiene products for women as stockpiles for disasters.
The donated sanitary supplies will be deployed at 21 locations in evacuation shelter in Isogo Ward and will be used in the event of a disaster.
We will present a letter of appreciation from Mayor Inomata to express our gratitude for this kindness.

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