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Last updated on May 31, 2024.
Press release materials
May 31, 2024
Seya Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division
Hidenori Hara
TEL: 045-367-5630
Fax: 045-365-1170
"Environment" is one of the themes of GREEN x EXPO 2027. In order to raise awareness and change behavior among young people who will lead the next generation in order to realize a decarbonized society, Seya Ward will hold workshops to foster environmentally friendly actions and ideas during the summer vacation period of elementary school students.
We look forward to the participation of elementary school students who want to learn about ideas such as global warming and 3Rs on the occasion of summer vacation and take on earth-friendly actions that lead to a decarbonized society! .
Let's spend the summer cool with your ideas! ~Seya Eco Workshop for Elementary School Students ~
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Seya Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division
Phone: 045-367-5635
Phone: 045-367-5635
Fax: 045-365-1170
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 869-530-962