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[Press Release] Create a message card to be given to legacy project players in the Tokyo 2020 Games

Last updated on May 29, 2019.

Press release materials

May 29, 2019

Civic Affairs Bureau Olympic and Paralympic Promotion Division

Reiko Tanaka

TEL: 045-671-4585

Fax: 045-664-1588

Yokohama City is promoting Garden City Yokohama, which fosters the natural environment of Yokohama in cooperation with citizens and businesses.
We are working on a legacy project in which cards are made by dyeing beautiful flowers in Yokohama, and a message is given to athletes and other stakeholders.
Therefore, this time, on Sunday, June 2, the last day of the "Garden Necklace Yokohama", a workshop will be held to pick flowers at the Tokyo 2020 Flower Photo Spot and create a depressed dyeing card. Why don't you send your hard work to athletes for the Tokyo 2020 Games? We look forward to your participation.

Press release materials

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