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Standard example of disciplinary action in Yokohama

Last updated on February 1, 2024.

Formulated on September 17, 2003
Recent revision on January 16, 2024 (enforced on February 1, 2024)

List of Disposal Amounts (PDF: 159KB)

1 Basic items
In the following cases, typical examples are selected and standard disposal quantity is set for each. In determining specific quantitative amounts, the Company shall determine
(1) Whether or not it is a non-misconduct related to the execution of public affairs
(2) What was the motivation, situation, and results of the non-misconduct?
(3) What was the degree of intentional or negligence?
(4) What is the impact on other staff and society?
(5) How should the duty responsibilities of staff who performed non-misconduct be evaluated in relation to non-misconduct?
(6) What is the judicial decision?
(7) Are there any settlements or settlements with the victim?
(8) Have you committed non-misconduct in the past?
In addition to the above, judgment will be made based on comprehensive consideration, including daily work attitudes and responses after non-misconduct. Depending on the content of an individual case, it may be other than the amount specified in the standard example.
Non-misconduct that is not in the standard example may be subject to disciplinary action, and these will be determined with reference to the handling listed in the standard example.

2 Standard Example
(1) General Service
A. spoofing educational background
 Staff employed by spoofing educational background shall be dismissed or suspended.

B. Violation of confidentiality obligations
 Employees who have leaked secrets that have been known in their duties shall be reduced or reprimand. In this case, the staff who has seriously hindered the operation of public affairs shall be dismissed or suspended.
 However, due to neglect of security measures specifically ordered or alerted with regard to information systems, employees who have leaked their duties secrets and have seriously hindered the operation of public affairs shall be suspended, reduced wages or reprimand.

(C) Unauthorized use of personal information
 Staff who have used personal information that has been known for their duties for improper purposes, such as personal use for the benefit of themselves or third parties, shall be dismissed, suspended, or reduced salary.

D. Poor work attitude
 Repeated late or early leave without justifiable reasons, leaving the workplace during working hours, repeatedly performing private acts, etc., neglecting their duties, or failing to comply with the order of their boss in performing their duties, etc. Staff who have caused trouble will be reduced or reprimand. In this case, a staff member who has seriously hindered the operation of public affairs shall be dismissed or suspended.

Unauthorized use of personal computers and the Internet
 Staff who use the Motoichi Internet information infrastructure for other purposes, such as using a personal computer at work for purposes other than work, sending private e-mails during working hours, or browsing WEBs that are not related to work, Reduce salary or reprimand.

Illegal political acts
(a) Employees who have been involved in the formation of political parties in violation of the provisions of Article 36, Paragraph 1 of the Local Public Service Act shall be dismissed or suspended.
(b) Employees who have engaged in political activities such as solicitation activities, distribution and posting of documents, etc. for a specific political purpose in violation of the provisions of Article 36, Paragraph 2 of the Local Public Service Act shall be suspended, reduced or reprimand.
(c) Request other employees to perform political acts prescribed in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the same Article in violation of the provisions of Article 36, Paragraph 3 of the Local Public Service Act, and then, or It shall be dismissed, suspended, or reduced. Employees who give other employees a benefit or disadvantage regarding the status of the staff for the presence or absence of any act shall be dismissed, suspended or reduced.
(d) Participation in political movements in violation of the provisions of Article 136 of the Public Office Election Law, or donations related to political movements or political activities in violation of the provisions of Article 136-2 of the Public Office Election Law and Article 22-9 of the Political Funds Control Law Employees who have been involved in such activities using the status of public servants shall be dismissed or suspended.

Illegal staff group activities
(a) Employees who violate the provisions of Article 37, Paragraph 1 of the Local Public Service Act and engage in alliance dismissal, neglect or other disputes, or who commit negligence to reduce the efficiency of activities in Motoichi shall be reduced or reprimand. I do.
(b) In violation of the provisions of the latter part of Article 37, Paragraph 1 of the Local Public Service Act, an employee who intends or conspis to perform an illegal act prescribed in the preceding paragraph of that paragraph, or who has been involved in performing it, shall be dismissed or suspended. I do.

Engage in commercial companies, etc.
 Employees engaged in for-profit companies, etc. without the permission of the appointee shall be suspended, reduced, or reprimand.

Ke Absence
(a) Staff who fail to work within 7 days without justifiable reason shall be reduced or reprimand.
(b) Staff who have not worked for 8 to 14 days without justifiable reason shall be suspended or reduced.
(c) Employees who have not worked for more than 15 days without justifiable reason shall be dismissed or suspended.

False application for leave and job dismissal
 Employees who make false applications for special leave, nursing care leave, or various dismissals shall be reduced or reprimand.

(S) Workplace order balance disorder
 Employees who have disrupted the order of the workplace due to assault or rants against their boss or other staff shall be suspended, reduced or reprimand according to the status of specific actions, the degree of maliciousness, etc.

False reports
 Staff who make false reports by neezing facts shall be reduced or reprimand.

Inappropriate handling of official documents
(a) Staff who forged or modified official documents, created false official documents, or destroyed official documents, or destroyed official documents, shall be dismissed or suspended.
(b) A staff member who has altered the approval document shall be dismissed or suspended.
(c) Employees who have falsified, lost, or accidentally discarded official documents, or otherwise improperly handled them, which have seriously hindered the operation of public affairs, shall be suspended, reduced, or reprimand.

S. Harassment in the Workplace
 Regardless of the intention of the person, a staff member who has been confirmed to be harassment against another person shall be dismissed, suspended, reduced pay or reprimand according to the specific situation of the act, the degree of maliciousness, etc.
 Harassment in the workplace refers to "sexual harassment", "power harassment", and "other harassment", and the workplace includes places outside working hours, such as workplace social gatherings and social gatherings.
 In addition, the subject of the act includes behavior between the staff and persons other than the staff (other employers or the employed workers, students who are looking for employment, etc.).
(a) Sexual harassment
 Regardless of gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, staff shall perform sexual behavior contrary to the will of others, give disadvantage to the other party by doing so, and infringe on the mental and physical freedom of the other party Or worsen the work environment.
(b) Power harassment
 An act in which a staff member causes mental or physical distress or worsens the work environment beyond the appropriate range of work, against others, against the background of superiority in the workplace, such as job status and human relationships. thing.
(c) Other harassment
 The act of repeatedly giving disadvantages and discomfort to others, including harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, or nursing care, etc., by behaviors that hurt personality and dignity, regardless of the intention of the individual.

Bribery and provision
(a) Employees who have received or requested or promised bribes in relation to their duties shall be dismissed.
(b) The staff who has given and received a gift or gift with Motoichi-related companies and a trader's group regarding their duties, or who has received entertainment, dinner, etc., will be dismissed according to the situation of specific acts, the degree of maliciousness, etc. It shall be suspended, reduced pay or reprimand.

(2) Public money and goods handling
A embezzlement
 Employees who embezzle public money or goods shall be dismissed.

B. theft
 Employees who have stolen public money or goods shall be dismissed.

C. Fraud
 A staff member who deceives a person and has issued public money or goods shall be dismissed.

D Lost
 Employees who have lost public money or goods shall be reduced or reprimand.

O theft
 Staff who have been stolen from public money or goods due to serious negligence shall be reduced or reprimand.

(F) Damage to goods
 Employees who have damaged goods in the workplace shall be reprimand. In this case, any employee with intentional or gross negligence shall be reduced or reprimand.

Fire and explosion
 Employees who have caused a fire or explosion in the workplace due to negligence shall be reduced or reprimand. In this case, any employee with intentional or gross negligence shall be dismissed or suspended.

Illegal payment and improper receipt of various salaries
 Employees who have intentionally paid various salaries in violation of laws and regulations and those who have intentionally neglected to report or have received various salaries fraudulently by making false reports shall be reduced or reprimand.

Inappropriate paperwork
 Employees who fail to perform appropriate paperwork due to intentional or gross negligence or perform false paperwork and hinder the operation of public affairs shall be suspended, reduced, or reprimand.
 In this case, the staff who is accepted while knowing this shall be suspended, reduced pay or reprimand.

(C) Improper processing of public money and goods, etc.
 Staff who have improperly processed public money or goods in their own storage, such as using them for unintended purposes, shall be suspended, reduced, or reprimand.

(3) Non-public affairs delinquency
 The arson staff shall be dismissed.

B. murder
 The staff who killed a man shall be dismissed.

C) Injury
 Employees who have injured the person's body shall be dismissed, suspended, or reduced pay.

D. Assault and fight
 If the assaulted or quarreled staff does not cause injury to a person, suspension, reduction of salary or reprimand shall be made.

O Damage to Equipment
 Any employee who intentionally damages another person's property shall be reduced or reprimand.

(a) Employees who embezzle the property of others occupied by themselves shall be dismissed or suspended.
(b) Staff who embezzle lost, drifted, or other occupied objects of others shall be reduced or reprimand.

Ki Theft
 Employees who have stolen another person's property shall be dismissed, suspended, or reduced pay.

Fraud and extortion
 A staff member who deceives a person to issue a property, or extorted a person to issue a property shall be dismissed or suspended.

Ke Gambling and Flea
 Employees who engage in gambling or fleas shall be suspended, reduced or reprimand. In this case, the staff who acts as a torso, such as opening a gambling ground, shall be dismissed.

Possession of drugs, etc.
 Staff who possess, use, transfer, etc. of drugs, cannabis, hens, stimulants, dangerous drugs, etc. shall be dismissed.

S obscene acts, etc.
(a) Obscene
 Employees who have committed obscene acts, such as making it difficult to form, express or fulfill their intention not to agree, will be dismissed.
(b) Fornication
 Employees who commit fornication against persons under the age of 18 in violation of laws and regulations shall be dismissed or suspended.
(c) Molesting
 Staff who engage in molesting on public vehicles, etc. shall be dismissed, suspended or reduced pay.
(d) Voyeurism
 Staff who have taken voyeurism in violation of laws and ordinances in public places, etc. shall be dismissed, suspended, or reduced salary.
(o) Other obscene acts
 Staff who have performed peeping or other obscene acts in violation of laws and ordinances shall be dismissed, suspended, reduced pay or reprimand according to the specific situation of the act, the degree of maliciousness, etc.
※ Laws and ordinances mainly refer to the following:
・ Penal Code
・ Minor Offenses Act
・ Act on Punishment of Acts Related to Prostitution of elementary school student, Child Pornography and Protection of elementary school student
・ Kanagawa Youth Protection and Development Ordinance
・ Kanagawa Prefectural Ordinance for Prevention of Violence

Cistoker act
 Staff who have committed stalking, such as stalking, will be dismissed, suspended, or reduced salary according to the specific situation of the act, the degree of maliciousness, etc.

(4) Traffic accidents and violations of traffic regulations
A personal injury
(a) Employees who have killed a person shall be dismissed, suspended, or reduced pay. In this case, a staff member who violates the duty of measures, such as neglecting rescue after the accident, shall be dismissed or suspended.
(b) Employees who have been seriously injured to a person shall be reduced or reprimand. In this case, a staff member who violates the duty of measures such as neglecting rescue after an accident shall be dismissed, suspended or reduced salary.
(c) Staff who injure a person and violate the duty of measures, such as neglecting rescue after an accident, shall be reduced or reprimand.
B. Property damage accidents
 Employees who have damaged another person's property due to serious negligence or who have violated the duty of measures such as neglecting to prevent danger after an accident, such as the status of specific actions, the degree of maliciousness, etc. Depending on the situation, suspension, salary reduction or reprimand.

C. Violation of Traffic Laws
 Employees who commit serious violations of traffic laws and regulations (excluding those specified in "D drunk driving, etc.") shall be suspended, reduced, or reprimand.
※ When determining the amount of disposal from a to c, the judgment shall be made in consideration of "whether or not it is a public affairs act" and, if it is a public affairs, "whether or not driving is the main duty".

D. Drunk driving, etc.
(a) Employees who have drunk driving shall be dismissed or suspended. Employees who have caused an accident due to drunk driving shall be dismissed.
(b) Staff who provide alcohol to others or recommend drinking while knowing that they will be drunk driving will be dismissed, suspended or reduced. The same shall apply to employees who ride on this while knowing that they are drunk driving, and those who have accepted it while knowing that they are drunk driving even if they do not ride.
In addition, in these cases, the person who drunk driving is Motoichi staff, and when the staff is disciplined, it shall be the same as the disposal amount.

※ Drunk driving refers to drunk driving and drunk driving.

(5) Supervision Responsibility
Oh, in the case where subordinate staff is subject to disciplinary action, etc., the staff who lacks proper supervision as a supervisor shall be reduced or reprimand.
(A) A staff member who conceals or accuses the fact while knowing the delinquency of subordinate staff shall be suspended or reduced pay.

3 Weighted or reduced disposal
(1) About weight of disposal
Oh, if a series of acts performed by the staff falls under multiple non-misconduct, heavier dispositions may be performed than the heaviest disciplinary action prescribed in the standard example.
(A) In the case of disciplinary action, if any of the following reasons apply, a disposition heavier than the heaviest disciplinary action prescribed in the standard example may be performed.
(a) When the mode of the act performed by the staff is extremely malicious
(b) When the degree of responsibility of the job system is particularly high, such as when the staff is in the position of management or supervision.
(c) When an employee has been subjected to disciplinary action in the past

(2) Reduction of disposal
 In the case of disciplinary action, if any of the following reasons apply, it shall be possible to perform a lighter action than the lightest disciplinary action prescribed in the standard example, or may not be performed. (In the case of reducing dispositions, in principle, pay reduction if the lightest disciplinary action prescribed in the standard example is suspended, reprimand in the case of salary reduction, reprimand in the case of reprimand, mayor document warning in the case of reprimand.)
Oh, when the daily work attitude of the staff is extremely good
(A) When a staff member voluntarily makes an offer before his / her own act is discovered.
(C) When there are special circumstances such as the degree of non-misconduct performed by the staff is minor.

<Reference> ※Links to standard examples of disciplinary action of other appointees.

"Standard examples of Fire Bureau Disciplinary Actions"
"Standard examples of Water Works Bureau Disciplinary Actions"
"Standard examples of Transportation Bureau Disciplinary Actions"

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