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Operation policy of the ward bureau headquarters

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

What is the Management Policy?

Each ward bureau headquarters clarifies the basic goals of the organization for one year, measures to achieve the goals, and the direction of organizational management, and formulates them for the purpose of working together as an organization to achieve the goals.

Basic goals

We establish basic goal as organization to be shared by all the staff of ward bureau.

Measures to achieve the targets

We will clarify the pillars of measures to achieve our basic goals.

Organizational management to achieve the goals

We will clarify the direction of organizational management that is important and shared throughout the organization to achieve the basic goals.

Major Businesses and Initiatives

We will publish the main businesses and initiatives that we will work on in the relevant fiscal year as a reference to the basic goals, etc., and explain and complement them.
(* The budget summary may be used.)

Management policy of ward, bureau, and general headquarters

You can see administration policy in citizen information center other than homepage.

Ward Office
Ward Office
Aoba WardAsahi WardIzumi Ward
Isogo WardKanagawa WardKanazawa Ward
Konan WardKohoku WardSakae Ward
Seya WardTsuzuki Ward  Tsurumi Ward
Totsuka WardNaka WardNishi Ward
Hodogaya WardMidori WardMinami Ward

Department and General Affairs Division
Department and General Affairs Division
Zero Carbon and GREEN×EXPO Promotion BureauDigital Government HeadquartersPolicy Administration Bureau
General Affairs BureauFinance BureauInternational Affairs Bureau
Civic Affairs BureauSports, Culture and Dynamic City Development BureauEconomic Affairs Bureau
Child and Youth BureauHealth and Social Welfare BureauMedical Care Bureau Medical Care Bureau Hospital Administration Headquarters
Green Environment BureauSewerage & Rivers BureauResources and Waste Recycling Bureau
Housing and Architecture BureauUrban Development BureauRoad and Highway Bureau
Port and Harbor BureauFire BureauWaterworks Bureau
Transportation BureauAccounting OfficeBoard of Education Secretariat
Election Administration Commission SecretariatPersonnel Affairs Commission Secretariat

Audit Secretariat

City Council Bureau  

Inquiries to this page

Management Strategy Division, Management Strategy Division, Policy Administration Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2010

Phone: 045-671-2010

Fax: 045-663-4613

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 601-666-930


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