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Yokohama International Cooperation Center

In order to contribute to world peace and development, Yokohama City established the Yokohama International Cooperation Center in 1991, supporting the activities of international organizations working to solve global issues and organizations contributing to the internationalization of Yokohama City, and promoting international cooperation in cooperation with them.

Last updated on May 24, 2024.

What's New

Fundraising for people in humanitarian crises such as the Middle East

The United Nations World Food Programme (UN WFP) provides support for people in humanitarian crises such as armed conflicts, wars, earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters.

The United Nations WFP has established a Japanese office in Yokohama. In cooperation with the United Nations WFP, Yokohama City is working to contribute to world peace and solve global issues.

In response to the worsening humanitarian situation in the Middle East, the United Nations WFP is providing emergency assistance. Donations to the activities are accepted at ↓.
WFP United Nations World Food Programme - Emergency Assistance Palestine (outside site)

[Inquiries regarding donations] United Nations WFP Association in Japan Office, United Nations WFP Association Phone: 0120-496-819 Email: [email protected]

※The United Nations WFP Japan Office is located in the Yokohama International Cooperation Center.


Click here for details on each organization (introduction page of cooperating organizations)

  International Timber Organization (ITTO)

    United States-Canada University Joint Research Center for Japanese Studies (IUC)

   United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Japan Office

   United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Liaison Office in Japan

  (Public Goods) Yokohama International Association (YOKE)

   City Net Yokohama Project Office (CYO)

 Japan Liaison Office, International Agricultural Development Fund (IFAD)

YUSA Y-PORT Center Public-Private Partnership Office (outside site)

Click here for details on each organization (introduction page of cooperating organizations)

Collaboration with tenants

Support for the Turkish Syria Earthquake affected areas

A large-scale earthquake occurred along the border between Turkey and Syria in the early morning of February 6, causing enormous damage.

I would like to express my condolences to the victims and express my heartfelt sympathy to those affected by the disaster.

It has been reported that more than 46,000 people have died in Turkey and Syria (NHK report on February 20), and further support is needed as the evacuation lives of those affected have been prolonged.

Currently, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) provides emergency food assistance to survivors in both Turkey and Syria, including providing warm and ready-to-eat meals.

The city of Yokohama is cooperating with the United Nations WFP Japan Office to support the affected areas earthquake in Turkey.

Donations to UN WFP's activities in Turkey and Syria are accepted here at ↓.

WFP United Nations World Food Program - Emergency Support for Food Assistance (Outside Site)

[Inquiries regarding donations] United Nations WFP Association in Japan Office, United Nations WFP Association Phone: 0120-496-819 Email: [email protected]

※The United Nations WFP Japan Office is located in the Yokohama International Cooperation Center.

Past events

Children's Adventure College 2023 [Let's protect the forest by "using"! ] (end)

Program contents

Let's protect the forest by "using"! Program

Program contentsExhibition corner

◆Ice break
◆“Workshop on the Connection of Living Things” (City of Yokohama, Environmental Planning Bureau)

 What kind of connection do forests and creatures have to do with our lives? Let's think together through the workshop!

◆"What is the role of a tree?" (International Timber Organization)
 Forests that are rarely conscious of everyday life. Let's pay attention to the importance of wood and its current situation, not just as wood!
♦"Let's visit international organizations!" (International Timber Organization)
 What kind of initiatives are international organizations taking? Let's actually visit international organizations and listen to them!
◆Review party "What can be done to protect the forest"
 What can we do to protect the essential forests?

♦Let's learn about the efforts of international organizations!
Video & Materials Corner

Results of the Meeting

Date and time
 Wednesday, August 16
 (1) Morning 10:30-12:00
 (2) Afternoon 14:00-15:30
 6th floor of Yokohama International Cooperation Center
 Y-PORT Center Public-Private Partnership Office “GALERIO”
 elementary school student, 4th to 6th grade elementary school students living or studying in the city

Children's Adventure College 2022 [Let's think about the world from "eat"! ] (end)

Program contents

Let's think about the world from "eat"! Program

Program contentsExhibition corner

◆Greetings (President of FAO Liaison Office in Japan (video message))
◆Ice break
◆“Famine from Nutrition” (United Nations WFP Association)
Do you have enough food all over the world?
We will tell you about the world's nutrition situation and the activities of WFP that we are working to ensure that people around the world get enough nutrition!
◆Efforts to Reduce Food Loss (City of Yokohama, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau)
Do you know how much food is being disposed of?
Let's learn about the situation of "food loss" in Japan and the world, and think together about what we can do today!
◆Retrospective party

◆Let's learn about the efforts of international organizations!
Video & Materials Corner

Results of the Meeting

Date and time
 Wednesday, August 17
 (1) Morning 10:30-12:00
 (2) Afternoon 14:00-15:30
 6th floor of Yokohama International Cooperation Center
 Y-PORT Center Public-Private Partnership Office “GALERIO”
 elementary school student, 4th to 6th grade elementary school students living or studying in the city


shigen tenji

Yokohama International Cooperation Center 30th Anniversary Event (end)

Since the establishment of the Center in 1991, Yokohama City has supported international organizations working to solve global issues, and has been promoting international cooperation in cooperation with Japan. In Reiwa 3 (2021), the Center celebrated its 30th anniversary since its establishment, so a commemorative event was held. This event was also distributed online to citizens and companies.
For details, please refer to the following link. (external site)

[Reference] Press release materials

Venue sceneryAppearance

Inquiries to this page

Global Network Promotion Division, International Affairs Bureau Global Network Promotion Department

Phone: 045-671-2078

Phone: 045-671-2078

Fax: 045-664-7145

E-Mail address [email protected]

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