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“Special City” is a major city system aimed at by Yokohama City

Yokohama City aims to legislation a special city in order to create "options for Mirai"!

Last updated on May 20, 2024.

This is the logo mark and statement (Oath statement) of Yokohama Special City.

!NEW! The logo mark of "Yokohama Special City" has been newly born!

 We have newly created the Yokohama Special City Logo to let many citizens know about the "Special City".
 It will be widely used in future public relations and momentum-building initiatives, and can be used by everyone.
 By all means, we would like you to utilize it widely and cooperate with the publicity and momentum cultivation of the "special city" that Yokohama City aims for!
 For more information, look here.
 ▶▶▶ "Yokohama Special City" Public Relations Tool

What is the special city that Yokohama aims for?

 A special city is a system that can take charge of all local affairs in the city area and completely eliminate double administration.
 Therefore, it is possible to improve administrative services and provide more detailed services according to needs.

Special City System Aimed by Yokohama City

Why do you need a special city?

 The current “designated city system” has issues such as “double administration between cities and prefectures” and “insufficient tax measures”.
 Therefore, it is an insufficient system to efficiently and effectively solve issues unique to large cities and enhance administrative services.
 In addition, the effects of population decline and declining birthrate and aging population are expected to become remarkable in the future, and reviewing the system is an urgent issue.

How will it change when it comes to a special city?

 When it becomes a special city, waste by the double administration of the city and the prefecture is eliminated.
 Therefore, "improvement of convenience of citizen's all of you including unification of window" or "problem solution based on local situation" can be done, and administrative service can be improved.

How to achieve a special municipal system?

 Legislation of "special city" is necessary so that citizens can select the shape of a city appropriate for Yokohama City.
 In order to realize the legalization of a special city, it is necessary to inform the citizens of the necessity of a special city and to work with the national and political parties because procedures at the national and Diet are required. .

For those who want to know more about Yokohama Special City

Booklet and leaflet

Yokohama Special City Public Relations Booklet, Pamphlet

Video ※"Special city" is the common name of "Special autonomous city".

Yokohama Special City University Rules / Related Documents / Related Links

Yokohama Special City University

Yokohama Special City University

 We revised "Yokohama Special City University Tsuna", which serves as a guideline for the concept of "special city" that Yokohama City aims for. In the conventional general rules that summarize the necessity of the special municipal system and the outline of the system, the city's approach to the concerns presented by Kanagawa Prefecture is newly specified.

Yokohama Special City University Rules (overall version) (PDF: 14,547KB)
 Cover, Table of Contents (PDF: 503KB)
 Chapter 1 Purpose of Formulation of General Rules (PDF: 513KB)
 Chapter 2 Efforts and Trends Related to Major City System Reform (PDF: 532KB)
 Chapter 3 Background and necessity of special municipal system required (PDF: 4,337KB)
 Chapter 4 Special Municipality Targeted by Yokohama City (PDF: 3,176KB)
 Chapter 5 Process for establishment of Yokohama special municipal system (PDF: 3,339KB)
 Reference (PDF: 5,733KB)

Efforts up to the Development of Yokohama Special City University
Year Contents
2010 (Heisei 22) Basic approach to establishing a new metropolitan system <Basic direction>
2012 (Heisei 24) Yokohama Special Self-Government City University Tug-of-draft <Outline>
2013 (Heisei 25) Yokohama Special Self-Government City University
2021 (Reiwa 3) Yokohama Special Self-Government City University
2022 (Reiwa 4) Revision of Yokohama Special City University

Necessity of legislation of "special cities" from the perspective of residents-a new form of self-government realized from Kanagawa-(announced in July 2022)

The necessity of legislation of "special cities" from the perspective of residents

Flyers and posters of designated city mayors' association

Related links

Related links
Name Overview
Local System Research Committee (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) (outside site)       Meeting materials of the Regional System Research Committee are posted.
※Local System Research Committee: An affiliated organization established in the Cabinet Office to investigate and deliberate important matters related to local systems in response to the consultation of the Prime Minister.
Decentralization Reform (Cabinet Office) (outside site) Decentralization reform is published.
※Decentralization Reform: In order to make it easier for each region to address local issues with their own judgment and responsibility, efforts to change the administration close to the residents so that local governments close to the residents can take responsibility as much as possible.
Designated City Mayors' Association (outside site)

Approach of designated city mayor society is published.
Consisting of the mayors of 20 designated cities, we make proposals to the government and other areas on issues common to large cities, and are working on the creation of new "large city systems" and "decentralization reform".

Kawasaki City (outside site) Approach of special self-government city of Kawasaki-shi is published. The three designated cities in the prefecture, Yokohama, Kawasaki, and Sagamihara, which share issues as designated cities, are working together to establish a special city system.
Sagamihara City (outside site) Approach of special self-government city of Sagamihara-shi is published. The three designated cities in the prefecture, Yokohama, Kawasaki, and Sagamihara, which share issues as designated cities, are working together to establish a special city system.

Related information (events, information dissemination, etc.)

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