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  6. About redevelopment of Yokohama City University School of Medicine, 2 affiliated hospitals, etc.

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About redevelopment of Yokohama City University School of Medicine, 2 affiliated hospitals, etc.

Last updated on March 26, 2025.

The Yokohama City University School of Medicine and the two affiliated hospitals have played various roles as the last fort to support the health and life of citizens, such as the development and production of medical human resources and the provision of advanced and advanced medical care. However, about 30 years have passed since the construction of buildings and facilities, and the narrowing and aging have hindered student education and medical provision. In order to respond appropriately to drastic solutions to these issues, changes in the environment surrounding medical care, and continue to be the "last fort" that supports the health and life of citizens, the city is examining its redevelopment. I am.

About the results of sounding-type market research (dialogue) for redevelopment of two hospitals and medical schools attached to Yokohama City University

Results of sounding-type market research (dialogue) (announced in March 2025)

We conducted a sounding-type market survey (dialogue) from November 7, 2024 to December 13, 2024, and will announce the results.

Based on the results of this dialogue, we will consider business methods and rebuilding plans, etc., and formulate a basic plan.

We will conduct sounding-type market research (dialogue) for redevelopment of 2 hospitals and medical schools attached to Yokohama City University! (Application has been closed.)

Sounding-type market research for redevelopment of two hospitals and medical schools attached to Yokohama City University

For the development of the basic plan, we will conduct a sounding-type market survey (dialogue) in order to refer to the opinions of private businesses regarding the business methods of redevelopment.

1 Method of dialogue
Items Contents
Period From Tuesday, November 5, Reiwa 6 to Friday, November 29, Reiwa 6
Location Meeting rooms in Yokohama City Hall
Targets Groups of corporations and corporations interested in redevelopment of 2 hospitals and medical schools attached to Yokohama City University
Method Direct conversation (about 1 hour per business operator, specific date and time are adjusted separately)
2 Application for participation in dialogue (application has been closed)
Items Contents
How to apply

Please fill in required items on the entry sheet (Form 1) and submit it by e-mail within the period.
The subject of the e-mail should be [Application for Sounding Survey Participation].

Application period

From Tuesday, October 15, Reiwa 6 to Friday, November 8, Reiwa 6
(Until 17:00 on Friday, November 8, 2024)

Application [email protected] (Coordination Division, General Affairs Bureau University)

3. Creation of a hearing sheet for dialogue
Items Contents
Submission method

Please fill in required items on the hearing sheet (Form 2) and submit it by e-mail within the deadline.
The subject of the e-mail should be [Sounding Survey Materials].

Submission deadline Up to 5 days prior to the day of the dialogue (excluding weekends and holidays)
Submission address [email protected] (Coordination Division, General Affairs Bureau University)

Implementation guidelines, entry sheets, etc.

We have formulated a redevelopment plan for Yokohama City University School of Medicine and 2 affiliated hospitals.

Redevelopment concept of Yokohama City University School of Medicine and 2 affiliated hospitals

In the future, we will proceed with the concrete examination of redevelopment, which will be the pillars of the concept of redevelopment, and the direction of redevelopment (operation system, bed scale, facilities targeted for redevelopment, redevelopment, We have formulated the "Redevelopment Plan for Yokohama City University School of Medicine and 2 affiliated hospitals" that summarizes the basic concept of "redevelopment plans".

We raise opinions of citizen's all of you! [Opinions have been closed]

Opinion offer contents

The redevelopment plan (draft) for Yokohama City University School of Medicine and 2 affiliated hospitals was completed on November 30, 2020. Thank you very much for your comments and suggestions.

  • Click here for the redevelopment plan (draft) for Yokohama City University School of Medicine and 2 affiliated hospitals (PDF: 3,281KB).
  • Click here for the outline version of the redevelopment plan (draft) for Yokohama City University School of Medicine and 2 affiliated hospitals (PDF: 3,062KB).
    ※It is a pamphlet integrated with the Negishi Residential Area Ruins Basic Plan (draft).
  • Opinion solicitation period
    From October 30, 2020 to November 30, 2020
  • How to submit opinions
    ・Submission form for your opinion
    ・Postcards attached to the outline version pamphlet distributed at the Citizen Information Center, each ward office Public Relations Section, etc.
    ・Bring your own
  • Click here for the press release document (PDF: 235KB).

In addition, please see this (homepage of base measures section) about thing about Negishi residential district ruins use basic plan (plan).

Opinion offer result

Handling of opinions, etc.

  • Your feedback will be used as a reference for future studies.
  • Please note that we will not respond individually to your comments.
  • Personal information such as e-mail addresses and fax numbers obtained with the submission of opinions will be properly managed in accordance with the "Ordinance on the Protection of Yokohama City Personal Information", and if there is any unclear point in the content of the opinion, Use only for the purpose of confirmation.

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Inquiries to this page

University Coordination Division, General Affairs Bureau University Coordination Department

Phone: 045-671-4273

Phone: 045-671-4273

Fax: 045-664-9055

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 992-978-579


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