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Yokohama Good Balance Company Certification (formerly Yokohama Good Balance Award)

Last updated on August 30, 2024.

Yokohama Good Balance Company Certification

What is the Yokohama Good Balance Company Certification?

In Yokohama City, in order to promote the active participation and work-life balance of women, city companies that actively promote the creation of a work environment where everyone can work easily are certified as "Yokohama Good Balance Companies". Creating a comfortable workplace leads to securing and retaining human resources, increasing employee motivation, and improving productivity. We look forward to your application!
List of Certified Companies

Major changes from FY2024

In fiscal 2024, the system was partially revised.
The main changes are as follows.

1.Regardless of the number of employees, you can now apply!

In recent years, there has been a need for initiatives related to the advancement of women regardless of the size of the company, so the system has been changed so that "companies with a total number of employees exceeding 300" can also apply.

2.The certification period has been 4 years!

The certification period, which used to be two years, has been extended to four years.
(In the second year of the certification period, please report on the status of initiatives and results.)

3. It was certified from April 1st!

The start date of the certification period has been changed from January 1 to April 1.
(Companies whose certification deadline expires on December 31, 2024 will be extended until March 31, 2025.)

Certification Period

4 years from April 1, the year following the application
※Certification period for recruitment in 2024: From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2029


Companies, social welfare corporations, foundations, incorporated associations, cooperatives, NPOs, school corporations, etc. with head office or head office in Yokohama City
※The organizational form does not matter, but only if an employment relationship or equivalent employment type is recognized.
※If you are late for corporate municipal tax and establishment tax, you will not be eligible.
※Not applicable if a serious malicious incident has violated laws and regulations related to employee health management, such as the Industrial Safety and Health Law, and has been disposed of in the past five years.
※It is not applicable if it falls under any of the gangster management governing corporations, such as gangsters and gangsters prescribed in the Yokohama City Gangster Exclusion Ordinance.

Benefits of certification

1.Using the certified logo mark, you can externally express that you are a "Yokohama Good Balance Company", which will enhance the image of the company and secure excellent human resources.
2.We provide information such as seminars about woman achievement and work-life balance from Motoichi.
3.We catch various opportunities, and Motoichi publicizes approach contents of authorized company positively.
4.The “Yokohama Good Balance Company Certification” is set as the evaluation items in the comprehensive evaluation bidding method of construction in Yokohama City and the proposal method of the consignment contract, which will lead to an increase in opportunities for receiving orders in public procurement.
5.You can receive preferential interest rates and credit guarantee fees from the Yokohama City Small and Medium Enterprise Loan Program "SDGs Yokohama Fund".

Certified logo mark

Yokohama Good Balance Company Certified Logo Mark


Selection will be conducted by an accreditation committee composed of external committee members. The examination items are divided into six pillars.
1.Management's Statement and Promotion System
2.Correcting long working hours and taking leave
3.Diverse and flexible work styles
4.Balancing work with childcare and nursing care
5.Promotion of Women's Empowerment
6.Creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace

About recruitment in 2024 (reception desk was finished.)

Application Guide (PDF: 1,744KB)

Application period

From Monday, June 24, 2024 to Friday, August 30

Flow of Application

Documents required for application (the following three points)

※It is divided into four sheets in one Excel data. There are two sheets that need to be input (cover, Form 1).
[Important] If there is an item that has not been entered or is incomplete, an "error message" will be displayed. Please be sure to check before submitting.

※Please be sure to check the following documents before applying.
・「Yokohama Good Balance Confirmation Sheet for Labor Related Laws and Regulations (Attachment 1) (PDF: 270KB)
・「Notification of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, “Average of Ratio of Female Workers to Managers by Industry” (Attachment 2) (PDF: 74KB)
・「Yokohama Good Balance Company Application Guidelines (Attachment 3) (PDF: 315KB)

※We have prepared a "Q & A (PDF: 369KB)" that organizes items that often ask questions, so be sure to read it before contacting us.

2.Work Rules

※Please submit the full text of the work rules, etc.

3.Basis Rules (“Childcare and Family Care Leave Regulations”)

※Please submit the relevant provisions of the grounds rules concerning the content of the efforts entered in the application form (Form 1).

How to apply

Please apply in Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system (outside site). (Reception is available from June 24 to August 30, 2024.)

Schedule up to certification

1.Based on the content of the application, a review will be conducted by an accreditation committee composed of external committee members. As a general rule, it will be conducted in writing, but interviews may be conducted on the details of the efforts.
(In that case, a social insurance attorney requested by Yokohama City may contact and interview.)
2.The results of the review will be announced around mid-December 2024.

Other Yokohama City Business Certification System

Yokohama-style regional contribution companies (outside site)
Yokohama Health Management Certification
Yokohama SDGs certification system "Y-SDGs"

Yokohama City has established four certifications and certification programs implemented by the city (Yokohama Good Balance Award), Yokohama Health Management Certification, and Yokohama City SDGs Certification System "Y-SDGs") with the aim of supporting companies that respond to social needs, such as creating a comfortable workplace, promoting health management, and achieving the SDGs.

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Inquiries to this page

Policy Administration Bureau Gender Equality Promotion Division

Phone: 045-671-2017

Phone: 045-671-2017

Fax: 045-663-3431

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 614-559-149


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