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  5. Voting status survey of those who have been certified as requiring long-term care and those with disabilities

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Voting status survey of those who have been certified as requiring long-term care and those with disabilities

Last updated on October 1, 2024.

 In Yokohama City, we are working to create an environment where everyone can easily vote, and we are working on both software and hardware. 

 In the Yokohama City Congressional Election on April 9, 2023, in order to further improve the voting environment and to lead to the implementation of more specific initiatives for those who are considered to be difficult at the time of voting. For the first time in a government-designated city, we conducted a survey on the voting status of people with disabilities and those who have been certified as requiring long-term care. (March 2024)

 Based on the survey, we analyzed the situation such as the grade of disability and the turnout for each degree of nursing care required, and the tendency of voting methods such as voting on the day and early voting. In addition, we will report the results. (September 2024)

Survey results of voting status of persons with disabilities and those who have been certified as requiring long-term care (September 2024)

Voting status survey of those who have been certified as requiring long-term care and those with disabilities (March 2024)

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