- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- Municipal Government Information
- About Yokohama-shi
- Organization of the City
- Introduction of Water Works Bureau
The text is from here.
Introduction of Water Works Bureau
- Medium-Term Management Plan, Long-Term Vision, etc.
- Overview of Water Works Bureau's Management Policy and Business
- Water Works Bureau's budget
- Water Works Bureau's Financial Results
- Water Works Bureau's Business Plan
- Business evaluation of Water Works Bureau
- Organization and Operations of Water Works Bureau
- Water Supply Business Industrial Water Supply Business Statistics Annual Report
- Others
List of related pages 開く
- Organization and duties of each ward bureau headquarters (references for each section, etc.)
- Introduction of Digital Government Headquarters
- Introduction of Decarbonization, GREEN x EXPO Promotion Bureau
- Introduction of Policy Administration Bureau
- Introduction of General Affairs Bureau
- Introduction of Finance Bureau
- Introduction of International Affairs Bureau
- Introduction of Civic Affairs Bureau
- Introduction of Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau
- Introduction of Economic Affairs Bureau
- Introduction of Child and Youth Bureau
- Introduction of Health and Social Welfare Bureau
- Introduction of Medical Care Bureau
- Introduction of Medical Care Bureau Hospital Administration Headquarters
- Introduction of Green Environment Bureau
- Introduction of Sewerage and Rivers Bureau
- Introduction of Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau
- Introduction of Housing and Architecture Bureau
- Introduction of Urban Development Bureau
- Introduction of Road and Highway Bureau
- Introduction of Port and Harbor Bureau
- Introduction of Fire Bureau
- Introduction of Office of Accounting
- Introduction of Water Works Bureau
- Introduction of Transportation Bureau
- Introduction of Board of Education Secretariat
- Introduction of Election Administration Commission Secretariat
- Introduction of Personnel Commission Secretartiat
- Introduction of Audit and Inspection Commission Secretariat
- Introduction of City Council Bureau
- Introduction of Aoba Ward
- Introduction of Asahi Ward
- Introduction of Izumi Ward
- Introduction of Isogo Ward
- Introduction of Kanagawa Ward
- Introduction of Kanazawa Ward
- Introduction of Konan Ward
- Introduction of Kohoku Ward
- Introduction of Sakae Ward
- Introduction of Seya Ward
- Introduction of Tsuzuki Ward
- Introduction of Tsurumi Ward
- Introduction of Totsuka Ward
- Introduction of Naka Ward
- Introduction of Nishi Ward
- Introduction of Hodogaya Ward
- Introduction of Midori Ward
- Introduction of Minami Ward
Page ID: 472-090-455