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Yokohama City Result Report
Last updated on October 24, 2023.
Booklet version "2020 national census Yokohama-shi result report" (PDF: 6,799KB)
2020 National Census Yokohama City Results Report
Cover, Precautions for Use, Table of Contents (PDF: 319KB)
Overview of the 2020 Census (PDF: 328KB)
Commentary of Terms (PDF: 377KB)
Explanation of results
Chapter 1 Total Population
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1 Trends in Population
2 Population by Administrative District
3 Population of Concentrated Areas
Chapter 2 Population by Gender
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1 Population by gender
2 Population by gender by administrative division
Chapter 3 Age Structure
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1 Population Pyramid
2 Ages and 3 Ages
3 Administrative Districts, Age 3 Separated Population
Chapter 4:
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1 Ratio by gender and marital status
2 Ratio by gender, administrative district, and marital status
Chapter 5 Education
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1 Regardless of whether or not you are enrolled, type of final graduation school
2 Percentage of final graduation schools
3 Trends in Higher Education
Chapter 6 Labor Force Status
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1 Changes in the working population
2 Labor force and labor force by gender, age and labor force
3 Labor force ratio by gender and marital status
4 Employment
5. Unemployed
6 Work force and labor force ratio by administrative division
Chapter 7 Status of Employees
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1 Employment Status of Employees
2 Employment status of employees by gender and age group
3 Employment status of employees by administrative division
Chapter 8 Industry
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1 Employment by major industrial category
2 Industry composition by gender and age group
3 Industrial composition of employees by administrative division
Chapter 9 Occupational
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1 Employment by major occupation
2. Occupational composition by gender
Chapter 10 Living Period
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1 Men and women, age-based residence period
2. The period of residence of employees
3 Residential Period by Administrative District
Chapter 11 Population Migration
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Residential land 15 years ago
2 Permanent residence five years ago by administrative distinction
Chapter 12 Daytime and Night Population Ratio
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1 Daytime Population, Night Population and Daytime Population Ratio
2 Ratio of daytime and nighttime population by administrative division
Chapter 13 Population by Employment and School Area
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1 Population by Employment and School Area
2 Persons aged 15 or older who live permanently in Yokohama City
3 Ratio of male and female employees by age by employment area
4 Employers and students aged 15 or older due to permanent residence by administrative distinction
5 Employers and students aged 15 years or older with Yokohama City as their place of employment or school
6 Employers and students aged 15 or older, depending on the location of employment or school by administrative division
7 Outflow and inflow population (commuters and students aged 15 and over)
Chapter 14 Number of Households and Scale of Households
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Type and size of household
2 Number of households by administrative division and size of households
Chapter 15 Family Types of Households
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Family type of household
2 Family type of household by administrative division
3 Labor status of the couple
Chapter 16 Housing
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1 Relationship between type of house and ownership of house
2 How to build a house
3 The relationship between the type of residence by administrative division and ownership of the house
Chapter 17 Mother and Child Households and Father and Child Households
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1 Mother and child households and father and son households
2 Workforce status of mother and child households
Chapter 18: Parent-Child living together Non-living together
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living together Non-living together with 1 Parents
living together Non-living together with two children
Chapter 19 Households with household members aged 65 and over
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1 Households with household members aged 65 and over
2 Households with household members aged 65 or older by administrative division
Chapter 20 Foreigners
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1 Foreign population
2 Foreign population by administrative distinction
3 Foreign labor force status
4 Foreign Employment by Administrative District
Chapter 21 Situation of Large City
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1 Population, Number of Households and Population Ratio
2 Labor Force Status
3 Daytime Population, Night Population and Daytime Population Ratio
4 Number of households and household size
Family type of 5 households
6 Housing
7 Mother and Child and Father and Child Households
8 Parents and Children living together Non-living together
<Reference Table>
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Reference 1 Population center of Yokohama City
Reference 2 Daytime Population, Night Population and Day / Night Population Ratio- Top 20 Municipalities
Statistical table
From each census result table published by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, we extracted Yokohama-shi, city administrative district. [ward] Tables with notation are counted up to administrative districts.
Population and Area
Table 1 Population, Population Change, Population Index, Area and Population Density of Yokohama City (1919-Reiwa 2) (Excel: 13KB)
Table 2 Population, Area and Population Density of Population Concentration Area in Yokohama City (Showa 35-Reiwa 2) (Excel: 12KB)
Table 3 Population, area and population density by administrative division (Showa 5-Reiwa 2) [ward] (Excel: 21KB)
Table 4 Population, area and population density of population concentrated areas by administrative district (Showa 35-Reiwa 2) [ward] (Excel: 18KB)
Men and women and age
Table 5 Population and Population Ratio by Gender (1919-Reiwa 2) [ward] (Excel: 25KB)
Table 6 Age (5-year-old class), population by gender and demographic ratio (1920-2020) (Excel: 31KB)
Table 7 Age (each age), population by gender and demographic ratio (1920, 2010 to 2020) (Excel: 33KB)
Table 8 Age (3 categories), population by gender, age structure index and average age (Showa 5-Reiwa 2) [ward] (Excel: 132KB)
Table 9 Age (5-year-old class), population by gender and population ratio (2020) [ward] (Excel: 34KB)
Marital status
Table 11 Whether or not to attend school ・ Type of final graduation school (8 categories), age (5-year-old class), population aged 15 and over by gender (Showa 35-Reiwa 2) (Excel: 87KB)
Table 12 Whether or not to attend school ・ Type of final graduation school (8 categories), population aged 15 and over by gender (2010, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 49KB)
Labor status
Table 13 Labor Force Status (2 categories), Age (5 years old class), Population aged 15 and over by gender and labor force rate (1919-2 years of Reiwa) (Excel: 59KB)
Table 14 Labor Force Status (3 categories), Population over 15 years old by gender and labor force rate (Showa 25-Reiwa 2) [ward] (Excel: 75KB)
Table 15 Labor Force (7 categories), age (5 years old), population aged 15 and over by gender (2015, 2020) (Excel: 20KB)
Table 16 Age (5-year-old class), working population aged 15 and over by gender and labor force rate (2020) [ward] (Excel: 31KB)
Employee Position
Table 17 Employee Status (7 categories), age (5 years old), number of employees aged 15 and over by gender (2015, 2020) (Excel: 19KB)
Table 18 Employment Status (7 categories), Number of employees aged 15 and over by gender (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 20KB)
Table 19 Industry (major category), age (5-year-old class), number of employees aged 15 and over by gender (2020) (Excel: 20KB)
Table 20 Industry (major category), Number of employees aged 15 and over by gender (2020) [ward] (Excel: 21KB)
Table 21 Occupation (major category), age (5-year-old class), number of employees aged 15 and over by gender (2020) (Excel: 15KB)
Table 22 Occupation (major category), number of employees aged 15 and over by gender (2020) [ward] (Excel: 16KB)
Period of residence
Residential land 5 years ago
Table 24 5 years ago permanent residence (6 categories), age (5 years old class), population aged 5 years or older by gender (2015, 2020) (Excel: 22KB)
Table 25 permanent residences 5 years ago (6 categories), population 5 years or older by gender (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 23KB)
Table 26 Population aged 5 years or older (transfer) by resident municipalities 5 years ago (2020) [ward] (Excel: 23KB)
Table 27 Population aged 5 and over by current municipalities (transfer) (2020) [ward] (Excel: 20KB)
Table 28 5 years ago permanent residence (6 categories), labor force status (5 categories), industry (major category), number of employees aged 15 and over by gender (2020) (Excel: 23KB)
Employment place / school place
Table 29 Population by permanent residence or employment / commuting place, employees aged 15 and over and those aged 15 and over (Showa 30-Reiwa 2) (Excel: 19KB)
Table 30 Population by permanent residence or employment / commuting place, employees aged 15 and over and those aged 15 and over (Showa 30-Reiwa 2) [ward] (Excel: 30KB)
Table 31 Age (5-year-old class), population by gender and number of employees (2020) (Excel: 20KB) by permanent residence or employment / school location
Table 32 Population by gender and number of employees by permanent residence or employment / commuting place (2020) [ward] (Excel: 21KB)
Table 33 Employees aged 15 and over by permanent residence and those aged 15 and over by municipalities (commuters including those under 15 years old-posted separately) (2020) [ward] (Excel: 50KB)
Table 34 Employers aged 15 years or older and those aged 15 years or older (Schools including those under 15 years old-posted separately) (2020) [City] (Excel: 51KB)
Table 35 Number of employees aged 15 or older by industry (major category) by permanent residence or employment place (2020) [ward] (Excel: 48KB)
Household status at the time of employment and commuting
Use of transportation
Type of Household
Family type of household
Table 41 Number of general households by family type (16 categories) of households, general household number and household number per household (under 6 years old, under 12 years old, under 15 years old, under 18 years old, under 20 years old, under 65 years old) General households with members and general households (1960-Reiwa 2 years) (Excel: 21KB)
Table 42 Number of general households by family type (16 categories) of households, number of general households, and number of households per household (number of general households with household members aged 65 and over-reposted) (2020) [ward] (Excel: 27KB)
Table 43 Households' family type (16 categories), the number of general households by age (5-year-old class) and the number of general households (2020) (Excel: 17KB)
Table 44 Household type (3 categories), the presence or absence of children and age (6 categories), the number of general households with married couples by employment / non-employment (4 categories) (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 14KB)
State of residence
Table 45 Number of general households, number of general households, number of general households, and number of persons per household (Showa 60-Reiwa 2) (Excel: 15KB) by type of house and ownership (7 categories)
Table 46 Number of general households, general household number and number of persons per household (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 21KB) by type of house and ownership (6 categories)
Table 47 How to build a house (7 categories), the number of general households living in a house by ownership relationship (6 categories), the number of general households, and the number of persons per household (2015, 2020) (Excel: 20KB)
Table 48 Number of general households living in houses by how to build houses (7 categories), the number of general households, and the number of persons per household (2020) [ward] (Excel: 21KB)
Maternal and child households and father-child households
living together Non-living together
Table 50 marital status, living together non-living together with parents (2 categories), male and female population by age (5 years old class) (2020) (Excel: 17KB)
Table 51 marital status, living together non-living together with children (2 categories), male and female population by age (5-year-old class) (2020) (Excel: 18KB)
Single-person households aged 65 and over
Table 52 Age (5-year-old class), Number of single households aged 65 or older by gender (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 16KB)
Table 53 Types of dwellings and relationship of ownership of houses (6 categories), number of single households aged 65 and over by gender (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 18KB)
Households with only husbands 65 years old or older and wife 60 years old or older
Table 54 Number of households only for couples aged 65 or older and 60 years or older (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 13KB)
Table 55 Type of house and relationship of ownership of house (6 categories) Number of households only for husbands 65 years or older and wife 60 years or older (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 13KB)
Table 56 Nationality (13 categories), Foreign Numbers by Gender (19th to Reiwa 2nd year) (Excel: 16KB)
Table 57 Foreign Numbers by Gender (Showa 5-Reiwa 2) [ward] (Excel: 16KB)
Table 58 Nationality (13 categories), age (5 years old class), number of foreign nationals by gender (2020) (Excel: 17KB)
Table 59 Nationality (13 categories), Number of Foreign People by Gender (2020) [District] (Excel: 16KB)
Table 60 Labor Force (7 categories), Age (5 years old), Foreign nationals aged 15 and over by gender (2015, 2020) (Excel: 20KB)
Table 61 Industry (major category), employment status (7 categories), number of foreign employees aged 15 and over by gender (2020) (Excel: 17KB)
Big cities
Statistics Table (Reference Table: Unknown Completion Results)
This is the result of eliminating "unknown" contained in the tabulation results (original figures) by proration. Each statistical table is excerpted only for Yokohama City, and tables with the notation of [ward] are counted up to administrative districts.
Men and women and age
Table 1 Age (5-year-old class), population by gender and population ratio (2015, 2020) (Excel: 13KB)
Table 2 Age (each age), population by gender and population ratio (2015, 2020) (Excel: 26KB)
Table 3 Age (3 categories), population by gender, age structure index and average age (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 40KB)
Table 4 Age (5-year-old class), population by gender and population ratio (2020) [ward] (Excel: 34KB)
Marital status
Labor status
Table 6 Labor Force Status (2 categories), Age (5-year-old class), Population aged 15 and over by gender and labor force rate (2015, 2020) (Excel: 23KB)
Table 7 Labor Force Status (3 categories), Population over 15 years old by gender and labor force rate (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 27KB)
Table 8 Labor Force (8 categories), Age (5-year-old class), Population aged 15 and over by gender (2015, 2020) (Excel: 21KB)
Table 9 Age (5-year-old class), working population aged 15 and over by gender and labor force rate (2020) [ward] (Excel: 30KB)
Employee Position
Employment place / school place
Table 13 Population by permanent residence or employment / commuting place, employees over 15 years old and students over 15 years old (2015, 2020) (Excel: 12KB)
Table 14 Population by permanent residence or employment / commuting place, employees aged 15 and over and those aged 15 and over (2015, 2020) [ward] (Excel: 13KB)
Table 15 Population by gender and number of employees by permanent residence or employment / commuting place (2020) [ward] (Excel: 21KB)
Big cities
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Statistics and Information Division, Policy Administration Bureau General Affairs Department
Phone: 045-671-4207
Phone: 045-671-4207
Fax: 045-663-0130
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 315-447-472