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Efforts such as recruitment of citizen opinions

We carried out citizen opinion offer, opinion exchange meeting and company suggestion offer twice from 2021 to 2023 to reflect opinion of citizen's all of you and to make plan with high business establishment. . As a result, there were 10,680 opinions from citizens, a total of 393 participants in the discussion meeting, and 18 proposals from businesses.

Last updated on December 26, 2024.

Summary of recruitment of citizen opinions

  Results Recruitment of citizen opinion Opinion exchange meeting Recruitment of business proposals

From November to February 5, 2014
Public opinion solicitation for development of new business plan for Yamashita-Futo redevelopment

Results Overview (PDF: 6,025KB)

Details Results

Number of responses: 1,284 cases

Number of participants: 172 people (held 5 times in total)
Number of opinions: 2,555

Number of proposals: 8 cases

December to June 4, 2011
Examination of the future image of the Uchiko area and public opinion solicitation for the formulation of a business plan for redevelopment of Yamashita-Futo, etc.

Details Results

Number of responses: 3,721 cases
(1,942 of which were free opinions were received)

Number of participants: 221 people (held 4 times in total)
Number of opinions: 3,120 cases

Number of proposals: 10 cases

Opinions and impressions to the Yokohama City Yamashita Wharf Redevelopment Committee

 We set up and held the "Yokohama City Yamashita Wharf Redevelopment Exploratory Committee" composed of local stakeholders and academics, and had them examine for the development of a new business plan. .
 In the Exploratory Committee, in addition to hearing, we will distribute via the Internet so that the plan reflects the opinions of citizens, and discuss while sharing opinions and impressions from everyone who watched each time with the committee members. Was advanced.

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Inquiries to this page

Port and Harbor Bureau Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment Coordination Office, Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment Coordination Division

Phone: 045-671-7314

Phone: 045-671-7314

Fax: 045-550-4961

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 652-642-794


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