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About open call for participants of utilization company of former Shodo Junior High School

Last updated on February 18, 2025.

 In Yokohama City, we are actively promoting the maximization of value through strategic utilization of assets such as closed schools.

 As for the former Shodo Junior High School located in Sakae Ward, since the school closed in April 2015, the regional and related ward offices have repeatedly examined future use, and the direction of utilization based on local needs has been finalized.

※The price fixed proposal method is a public offering method that determines the prospective business by fixing the loan / sale price and examining the contents of the business proposal.

The prospective business has been decided (updated on June 13, 2023)

 In the former Shodo Junior High School utilization company open call for participants (application acceptance closed on March 23, 2023), there were 5 applications, and the Yokohama City holding asset open call for sale and other business planner selection committee (hereinafter referred to as the "committee") After the examination of the above, we will inform you that the business planner has been determined as follows.

Notice End of application acceptance (Updated March 27, 2023)

Acceptance of applications related to open call for participants has ended on March 23, 2023.
In the future, if there is any notice regarding the open call for participants, it will be posted on this page.

Notice Answers to Questions (Updated March 8, 2023)

 Questions and answers pertaining to open call for participants will be posted as follows.
※The acceptance period for questions has ended. General inquiries regarding the creation of application documents, etc. will be accepted individually by telephone or other means.

Notice Implementation of on-site inspections (accepted as needed during February) (Updated January 30, 2023) ※Reception has been closed

 Applications will be accepted at any time during February 2023 in order to lead to specific proposals for on-site inspections (corporations that have already been inspected can also be applied).
 Companies wishing to visit the site should fill out the “Application Form (Additional)” with required items, attach it to the e-mail, and submit it.
 [Please note that it may not be possible depending on the result of the schedule adjustment. ]
※Application e-mail address: [email protected]
 The subject of the email should be [Application for field inspection].

Open call for participants started (December 26, Reiwa 4-March 23, Reiwa 5) ※Reception has been closed

※For details, please refer to the application guidelines.

1.Outline of publicly offered properties

Outline of publicly offered properties

Location and lot number

3-1257-200, Shodo, Sakae-ku, Yokohama-shi
AccessAbout 20 minutes by bus from Konandai Station on the JR Negishi Line, 2 minutes walk from Shodo bus stop.
Land and land areaResidential land (public book) ・ 16,040.95m2 (public book)
Building Information

School building: Reinforced concrete land roof 4 stories, 5,937.20m2, 1981 shunnko
Gymnasium: Steel-framed slate-butted one-story building, 776.81m2, 1981 shunnko
Martial arts field: Reinforced concrete alloy plated steel plated one-story building, 388.09m2, 1988 shunnko
Total buildings: 7,205.71m2 (* Includes 8 sheds in addition to school buildings, gymnasiums, and martial arts halls.)

Restrictions by Urban Planning

Restricted areas: Type 1 Low-rise Residential Area, Building coverage: 30% floor area ratio: 60%, altitude district: Class 1 altitude area, scenic area: Type 2 Scenic Area

2.Offer price

Offer price
LandLoan fees (monthly)1,315,357 yen
Guarantee deposits

15,784,284 yen (for 12 months of loan fee)

BuildingSale price

65,846,000 yen (including consumption tax and local consumption tax equivalent of 5,986,000 yen)

3.Major Land Use Conditions

Major Land Use Conditions


  • It will be delivered as it is, and it will be a fixed-term lease for business for 30 years.
  • The retaining wall and the fence along the border are included in the land, and the company will maintain it properly during the lease period.
  • It will be sold as it is. The company may renovate and use it, or build a new building after dismantling and removal.
  • In addition to the existing school building, the building includes a gymnasium, a martial arts hall, eight sheds, structures and Tachiki.
  • At the end of the fixed-term lease period for business use, the land will be returned in vacant land.

(2)Proposal of business in line with local needs

Please make a proposal along the "Advice for Town Development in Kamigo Higashi District" compiled by the "Regeneration and Revitalization Committee of Kamigo Higashi District Town" composed of local representatives.

※The content and scale of the initiative shall be based on the applicant's proposal and will be evaluated in the examination.

(3)Development of community houses

The company will maintain the interior and rent it to Yokohama City about 300m2.

(4)Designation as evacuation shelter (list of designated emergency evacuation sites and designated evacuation site)

Please agree to designate it as evacuation shelter. In addition, upon receiving the designation, we will provide space such as evacuation spaces (indoors and outdoors) and disaster prevention storage.


※Schedules are subject to change due to circumstances. In that case, we will inform you on this website.

Distribution period of application guidelinesFrom Monday, December 26, Reiwa 4 to Thursday, March 23, Reiwa 5

Application period

From Monday, March 13, Reiwa 5 to Thursday, March 23, Reiwa 5

Review period

April, 2023

Determination of prospective business owners

May, 2023

Conclusion of Basic Agreement

June, 2023

Contract, transfer of ownership of buildings, and delivery of land

Until Monday, July 1, 2024

5.Related materials

Application Guidelines, etc.

※Please use the following link to download the attached materials individually.

Press release

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Inquiries to this page

Facility Management Promotion Section, Finance Bureau Facility Management Promotion Department

Phone: 045-671-2273

Phone: 045-671-2273

Fax: 045-662-5369

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 782-171-363


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