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Financial commentary (30-second commentary on budget and finance) index

Last updated on March 13, 2024.

Professor Kuroki and seminar students of Kuroki Seminar, Yokohama City University
Kuroki Seminars at Yokohama City University (April 2019)

When you hear the words "budget" and "finance", do you feel "difficult" or "not interested"? However, the budget is a way of using taxes paid by citizens, and is closely related to your life. We will tell you in an easy-to-understand QA format, such as "financial gimon", "how to use money", and "debt (municipal bond)" that are a bit difficult to understand!
This page was created in cooperation with students of Kuroki Seminar at Yokohama City University.

Character introduction


List of items listed
Classification Basic part Development

Financial gimon

What is finance?
What is your budget?
How do you decide on your budget?
The budget is every year
What are the points of the budget for FY2024?
What do you do if you run out of budget?
Are you in the black? Is it in the red?
What did you work on in FY2022?
How can I find out more? (Part 1)
How can I find out more? (Part 2)
What is the Finance Ambassador doing?

Measures to secure financial resources in the FY2024 budget
What is the foundation?
I'm reversing the fund, is it so tough?
What kind of fund do you have?
Is Yokohama's finances sound?
What is the financial statement?
What are the points of the financial statements for FY2022?
The administrative cost statement by business is the chart of the business.

How to spend money

What do Yokohama spends the most money?
Are you rich in Yokohama?
How much money do you spend on children and young people?
How much money do you spend to support the elderly?
What kind of income do you have?
News from lottery
Is Minato Mirai being maintained?
Yokohama is an international city
Taxes on medical expenses too?
School construction and taxes
How many public buildings are there?
Is public buildings old?
Public facilities and taxes
How much money does it cost to the new city hall?
Why does the city set up a city university?
Personnel expenses for city hall staff


Debt (municipal bonds)

Recipe of the soccer field!
How much debt do you have?
Why do you borrow money?

What kind of debt do you have?
Tell me about extraordinary financial measures bonds
Rules for Issuance of Municipal Bonds (Part 1)
Rules for Issuance of Municipal Bonds (Part 2)
Have you lost the primary balance of the Yokohama system?


What kind of tax do you have?
Who decides how to use the tax?
What kind of city tax do you have?
How do you pay taxes?
Yokohama City is pinching with hometown tax payment!
Support Yokohama with hometown tax payment!
What is the corporate version of hometown tax payment (local revitalization support tax system)?
Is the tax in Yokohama high?
Reduce the taxes you pay!

What is the forecast of city tax revenue for FY2014?
There is a problem with the distribution of national and local taxes!

Future of Yokohama City

What kind of town do you want? (Part 1)
What kind of town do you want? (Part 2)
What kind of town do you want? (Part 3)
What kind of town do you want? (Part 4)
What kind of town do you want? (Part 5)
Will Yokohama City continue to be difficult in the future?
Is Yokohama City safe in the future? (Basic)

Is Yokohama City safe in the future? (Development Part 1)
Is Yokohama City safe in the future? (Development Part 2)
Do you have any goals for financial management?
What is the Financial Responsibility Ordinance?

When compared

What's the big city?
How is it compared to Tokyo?
How do you spend money?

Is it possible to compare it with other cities?
Is it better than other cities? What's wrong?
Compared to other cities, what about the future?
What is an ordinary account?
Do you have a lot of assets in Yokohama? Isn't it small?

Character introduction (Details)

Ebi-chan, mascot of Yokohama City Finance Public Relations

Mascot of Yokohama City Finance Public Relations.
I will teach you the finances of Yokohama City easily!

Marinoske, the official character of Yokohama F. Marinos

This is Marinoske, the official character of Yokohama F. Marinos.
I'm an eternal fifth grade elementary school student.
Currently working as a financial public relations ambassador for Yokohama City!

Hamasai, a public relations mascot for Yokohama City Bond

Public relations mascot of Yokohama municipal bond.
We are working to let everyone know Yokohama municipal bond!

New mascot Ebi-chan

Collaboration with Yokohama Digital Arts College in Public Relations “Financial Project”
Ebi-chan turned into a human figure.

New mascot Aoi-chan

Students who attend vocational schools in Yokohama.
Ebi-chan teaches about the finances of Yokohama in the "Financial Project".

Inquiries to this page

Finance Division, Finance Bureau Finance Department

Phone: 045-671-2231

Phone: 045-671-2231

Fax: 045-664-7185

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 629-764-389


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