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Percentage of delinquent money

Last updated on December 22, 2023.

Due to the revision of the Local Tax Law, the dunning of Yokohama City Non-tax Income and the Ordinance on Collection of arrearages, the ratio of arrearages of public debt will be determined every year from 2014.

The percentage of arrears applied during 2024 is as follows:

(1) 8.7% per year = exceptional standard ratio + 7.3% per year (* However, up to 14.6% per year)
(2) 2.4% per year = exceptional standard ratio + 1.0% per year (* However, up to 7.3% per year)

※Special standard ratio…Percentage notified by the Minister of Finance as the percentage obtained by dividing the total average interest rate of new short-term lending commitments of banks in each month from September of the previous year to August of the previous year by 12 (PDF: 21KB) (Every year , Will be announced by November 30 of the previous year of each year.)

The percentages of arrears applied during 2023 are as follows:
(1) 8.7% per year = exceptional standard ratio + 7.3% per year (* However, up to 14.6% per year)
(2) 2.4% per year = exceptional standard ratio + 1.0% per year (* However, up to 7.3% per year)

※Please see the table below for the application of the ratios of (1) and (2) during 2024 and 2023.

Percentage of arrears (Table)
Major receivablesApplicable ordinances, etc.Percentage of arrearsDate of Late Payment
before 2013During 2014During FY2015 and FY2016During 2017Year 1993.31 (Reiwa Gen)During 2020During 2021During 2022During 2023During 2024
City tax
(Reference) Page of city tax
Local Tax Law, Yokohama City Tax OrdinanceWithin one month after the due date
→Each year varies
More than one month after the due date
→14.6% per year

Within one month after the due date
→2.9% per year
More than one month after the due date
→9.2% per year

Within one month after the due date
→2.8% per year
More than one month after the due date
→9.1% per year
Within one month after the due date
→2.7% per year
More than one month after the due date
→9.0% per year
Within one month after the due date
→2.6% per year
More than one month after the due date
→8.9% per year

Within one month after the due date
→2.6% per year More than one month after the due date
→8.9% per year

Within one month after the due date
→2.5% per year
More than one month after the due date
→8.8% per year

Within one month after the due date
→2.4% per year
More than one month after the due date
→8.7% per year

Within one month after the due date
→2.4% per year
More than one month after the due date
→8.7% per year

Within one month after the due date
→2.4% per year
More than one month after the due date
→8.7% per year

The day after the due date
Medical insurance premiums for seniorsOrdinance on Medical Care for the Elderly of Yokohama City
National Health Insurance premiumYokohama City National Health Insurance Ordinance14.6% per year9.2% per year9.1% per year9.0% per year8.9% per year8.9% per year8.8% per year8.7% per year8.7% per year8.7% per yearThe day after the specified deadline of the dunning notice
Long-term Care Insurance Premium, childcare fees, etc.Ordinance on reminder of Yokohama-shi non-tax income and collection of arrears

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Inquiries to this page

Finance Bureau Chief Tax Department Collection Measures Section

Phone: 045-671-2255

Phone: 045-671-2255

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 824-228-702


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