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  7. A young architect of interest! "Architecture Seminar" was held by Maki Onishi + Yuki Momoda /o +h.

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A young architect of interest! "Architecture Seminar" was held by Maki Onishi + Yuki Momoda /o +h.

Last updated on January 24, 2024.

Basic information

Event name

Architecture Seminar 2023 "What is inclusive architecture?"

Event Overview

 In Yokohama City, in order to provide an opportunity to think about the future of architecture and community development, we invite architects and architects who are active at the forefront and give lectures on their practices and ideas. We hold.
 This year, we invited notable young architects Maki Onishi and Yuki Momota to hold a seminar on the theme of "What is inclusive architecture?" . Thank you very much for your visit.

Photographs of Mr. Onishi and Mr. Momota

(From the left in the photo, Mr. Onishi and Mr. Momota)

Tutor profile

Maki Onishi (O Nishimaki)

Born in 1983
2008 Joint Presidency of Masataka Nishi + Yuki Momoda /o +h
2016-Non-Full-time Lecturer, Kyoto University
2022-Professor Y-GSA, Graduate School of Yokohama National University

Yuki Hyakuda

Born in 1982
2008 Joint Presidency of Masataka Nishi + Yuki Momoda /o +h
From 2009 to 2014 Worked at Toyoo Ito Architect & Design Office
2017-Non-Full-time Lecturer at Yokohama National University

First-class Architect Office Maki Onishi + Yuki Momoda / o+h Main Award Winners

2023 Japan Architectural Society Award Work Award and BCS Award
2019 Architectural Institute of Japan Selection and New People Award
2018 JIA New People Award, etc.

Major architectural works of Maki Onishi + Yuki Momoda / o+h, First-Class Architect Office

Shelter-inclusive Placecopal (2022)
Good Job! Center KASHIBA (2016)
Double spiral houses (2011) and others

Photograph of exterior of shelter-inclusive placecopal

Inside view of shelter-inclusive placecopal

(Shelter-inclusive Placecopal exterior and interior photo)

※ This event will be held with virtually zero CO2 emissions, utilizing carbon credits donated by the Bank of Yokohama's "Hamagin Carbon Offset Private Placement Bonds-Yokohama Zero-".

Date of the event

January 23, 2024

Date and time details

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 (Reiwa 6)
From 14:30 to 16:00 (open at 14:00)

Hosting Area

Naka Ward

Details of the venue

Small hall on the first basement floor of Kannnai Hall (4-42-1 Sumiyoshicho, Naka Ward)
Venue access: 200m from Exit 5 of Minato Mirai Line Bashamichi Station and 6-minute walk from Kannai-sta.-kitaguchi.

How to participate

Prior application system, first-come, first-served basis (capacity: 200 people)

Application details

The application has been closed since the capacity has been reached.


Free of charge

Target person

Anyone can apply.


Community Development and Environment


City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau


Seminar flyer

Press release materials

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Inquiries to this page

Maintenance Planning Division, Public Architecture Department, Housing and Architecture Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2956

Phone: 045-671-2956

Fax: 045-664-5477

E-Mail address [email protected]

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