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Regarding the use of logos
Last updated on November 19, 2024.
Purpose of use
The logo mark is a mark of "Yokohama Town" that expresses the future image of Yokohama in a design.
Please use it to enhance the attachment and pride of Yokohama citizens to Yokohama, and to enhance the external transmission power of the image of Yokohama.
Who can use it
It can be used by anyone except in the following cases.
(1) When we hurt dignity of Yokohama-shi or when there is a possibility.
(2) Exclusive use or when there is a risk of such use, such as using your own trademark or design.
(3) When it violates or is likely to violate laws and regulations or public order and morals.
(4) When giving a misunderstanding that Yokohama City supports or authorizes a specific individual, business, organization, political party, religious organization, or when there is a possibility.
(5) In addition, when the mayor of Yokohama (hereinafter referred to as "the mayor") finds that the use is inappropriate in view of the purpose of use specified in the preceding Article.
Procedures for use
Please submit a logo mark use approval application (Form No. 1) and a document that shows the image of use in advance (approximately one week before use).
However, in the following cases, we will respond with the application procedure from the relevant ward local administration section, so please request the competent section to apply for the application procedure and receive the logo mark.
※When used for public relations materials (web pages, flyers, posters, etc.) related to the commissioned business of Yokohama City
※When used to introduce the contracted results from Yokohama City on corporate web pages, etc.
※When we use to show cooperation such as indicating that we have concluded agreement with Yokohama-shi
・Examination and distribution
We examine whether distribution is possible based on the application, and if the use is approved, we will notify the applicant.
We will send you the logo mark data for both the approval letter.
※There are two types of logo mark data: JPEG format or eps (illustrator) format.
When using the logo mark for a product, please submit a “Logo Mark Product Sales Status Report” (Form No. 3) every six months of the fiscal year.
About use
※Please read "Usage Handling Guidelines" and "Usage Guidelines" when using.
Use of logo mark representing future Yokohama (PDF: 181KB)
Style No. 1 and No. 2 (word: 12KB)
Style No. 3 (word: 13KB)
Logo Mark Usage Guidelines for the Future Yokohama (PDF: 1,480KB)
<<Submission address for inquiries and application forms >>
〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Policy Administration Bureau Public Relations Strategy and Promotion Division
TEL: 045-671-3680
FAX number: 045-661-2351
e-mail: [email protected]
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Inquiries to this page
Public Relations Strategy and Promotion Division, Policy Administration Bureau City Promotion Promotion Office
Phone: 045-671-3680
Phone: 045-671-3680
Fax: 045-661-2351
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 540-539-560