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Yokohama's "Sound Symbol" Sound Logo

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

We created a sound logo that expresses the "brand image of the city of Yokohama" with sound.
By expressing the charm and characteristics of Yokohama through sound, we aim to make people who listen to Yokohama think of Yokohama and feel familiar and attached to Yokohama. We will utilize it in various situations to disseminate consistent urban brands.
Sound logos can also be used by citizens and businesses. For more information, see "About using sound logos."

About sound logo

In 2009, the appeal and characteristics of Yokohama depicted in the logo mark statement of "OPEN YOKOHAMA" produced with the citizens were expressed in sound.
In the production, we conducted a questionnaire to Yokohama e questionnaire members (those who live, work, or attend school in the city), Yokohama municipal high school students, and special needs schools for the blind to see what kind of sounds they feel the characteristics and charm of Yokohama. I referred to your opinion.

◇Characteristics of Sound
 ・Consists of seven sounds that quote the melody of "Yokohama City Song", which is popular with Yokohama citizens.
 ・The sound of wind chimes and wind chimes expresses the "free and open wind blowing in Yokohama" written in the statement.
 ・Created three types of sounds to match the scenes and situations used.

(1) Sound Logo <Approximately 3 seconds>
   It is the basis of the sound logo, and expresses the charm and characteristics of the city with a sound of about 3 seconds. (external site)

(2) Sound Logo Short <Approximately 1.5 seconds>
   The sound logo of about 3 seconds is condensed to about 1.5 seconds. (external site)

(3) Melody <Approximately 44 seconds>
   Based on the seven sounds of the sound logo, it is designed so that it can be looped and played repeatedly. (external site)


Mr. Takashi Kokubo

Mr. Takashi Kokubo
Born in 1956. He is one of Japan's leading environmental music composers, highly regarded by the world, including being nominated for the 2020 American Grammy Award (Best History Cal Album). In particular, the alarm sound of Earthquake Early Warning in "We, We, We, We" is highly regarded as a sound calculated to save the lives of the people.
Consignment company: iXOS Corporation

About the use of sound logo

Purpose of use

The sound logo expresses the charm and characteristics of Yokohama with sound.
By transmitting the image of Yokohama to the outside of the city through sound, the aim is to recall the city brand of Yokohama and foster a familiarity and attachment to Yokohama.

Who can use it

The sound logo can be used by anyone, except in any of the following items:
 (1) When we hurt dignity of Yokohama-shi or when there is a possibility.
 (2) Exclusive use or when there is a risk of such use, such as using your own trademark or design.
 (3) When it violates or is likely to violate laws and regulations or public order and morals.
 (4) When giving a misunderstanding that Yokohama City supports or authorizes a specific individual, business, organization, political party, religious organization, or when there is a possibility.
 (5) When the mayor of Yokohama (hereinafter referred to as "the mayor") finds that its use is inappropriate in view of the purpose of use, in addition to what is specified in the preceding items.

Procedures for use

1. Application
 Please submit the “Sound Logo Use Approval Application Form” (Form No. 1) and the necessary documents at least 10 business days before the scheduled date of use, and receive approval before use.

2. Review and approval
 We will examine the use of the application based on the application, and if the use is approved, we will send a use approval letter to the applicant.

3. Report  ※Only when used for commercial purposes
 When using sound logos for profit purposes, please create and submit a “Sound Logo Products Sales Status Report” (Form No. 3) every year.

4. Application destination
 Policy Administration Bureau Public Relations Strategy and Promotion Division
 Phone: 045-671-3680 Email: [email protected]

Usage Guidelines, Guidelines

Major introduction destinations

  • City Hall entrance
  • Entrance to the ward office, etc.
  • Municipal transportation (bus, subway)
  • Public relations programs (TV Kanagawa, FM Yokohama)
  • City Library Library Information System
  • Yokohama Marine Tower       Etc.

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Inquiries to this page

Public Relations Strategy and Promotion Division, Policy Administration Bureau City Promotion Promotion Office

Phone: 045-671-3680

Phone: 045-671-3680

Fax: 045-661-2351

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 933-262-021


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