

The text is from here.

Yokohama City Community Welfare and Health Plan

The Yokohama City Community Welfare and Health Plan aims to be a community development where everyone can live a healthy life with peace of mind. Residents, businesses, and public institutions (administration, the Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Community Care Plaza, etc.) work together to solve local issues such as welfare and health, and to promote the creation of a system for supporting local communities.

Last updated on June 14, 2024.

Here, we will tell about contents and development progress of Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan and progress of plan.

The 4th Yokohama City Community Welfare and Health Plan

This time, we devised the fourth Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan (from the beginning of the year to the fifth).

First of all, please click here.

What is the contents of the fourth plan of the Yokohama Smile Plan (Yokohama City Community Welfare and Health Plan)?
(Overview by animation: about 6 minutes, subtitles and audio available)

Overview of the 4th Yokohama City Community Welfare and Health Plan

  • Plan period: Reiwa (2019) to Reiwa 5 (2023)
  • Nickname: Yokohama smile plan
  • Basic Philosophy: Let's make "Yokohama" where everyone can live in their own health with peace of mind.
  • Efforts to Realize the Basic Philosophy
    • Pillar of Promotion 1: Building a foundation for promoting community-based welfare and health activities
    • Pillar of Promotion 2: Creating a system where support can be delivered in familiar areas
    • Pillar of Promotion 3: Promotion of a wide range of citizen participation, promotion of cooperation and collaboration of various entities

The 4th Yokohama City Community Welfare and Health Plan

There was some error in document of the fourth Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan booklet. We sincerely apologize here and correct it as described in the above errata.

  1. About community-based welfare health plan
  2. Overview and Review of the Third City Plan
  3. Changes in the situation surrounding community welfare and health
  4. Composition of the Plan
  5. About the fourth city plan
  • Direction of the Fourth Plan
  • Pillars of promotion 1 Building a foundation for promoting community-based welfare and health activities
  • Pillar of Promotion 2 Create a system that can receive support in familiar areas
  • Pillar of promotion 3 Promotion of wide citizen participation, promotion of cooperation, collaboration of various entities
  1. Plan Promotion System
  2. Method of evaluation of the plan

Text version of the 4th Yokohama City Community Welfare and Health Plan

4th Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan summary version

About conduct result of public comment about the fourth Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan (draft)

In Yokohama-shi, we carried out public comment on development of the fourth Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan. Thank you for your valuable opinions and suggestions from the citizens.
The results of the implementation and the approach to responding to the submitted opinions have been summarized and will be announced as follows.

We carry out public comment about the fourth Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan (draft).

Yokohama City has formulated the 4th Yokohama City Community Welfare and Health Plan with a plan period of five years from 2019 to 2023.
As we summarized the fourth Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan (draft), we raise opinions of citizen's all of you.

[Opinions have been closed]

  1. Contents of opinion solicitation
    We raise opinions to the fourth Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan (draft).
    Opinions received will be referred to future plan development and measures related to community-based welfare and health.
    (We report thing which gathered opinion to community-based welfare health plan development, promotion committee and announce on Yokohama-shi homepage.)
  2. Opinion solicitation period
    From Monday, May 28, 2018 to Friday, June 29
    ※It's finished
  3. How to submit opinions
    Please fill in your opinion on the draft and your name, Address age ((1) under 20 years old / (2) 20 to 39 years old / (3) 40 to 64 years old / (4) 65 to 74 years old / (5) 75 years old or older).
    • Mail: 1-1, Minatomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0017
      ※Please use the postcard on the back cover of the draft booklet and summary version.
    • Fax: 045-664-3622
    • E-mail
      ※Please write the subject of the email as "Public Comments".
  4. Main distribution and browsing locations of materials
    • Yokohama City Hall (City Hall 1F Citizen Information Center)
    • Each ward office (Public Relations Section)
    • Community Care Plaza, Japan National Council of Social Welfare
  5. Notes on Public Comments
    • We summarize summary of opinion that we had and way of thinking of Yokohama-shi for it and announce on homepage of Yokohama-shi.
      Please note that we will not respond individually.
    • Please be aware that your comments may be made public.
    • Personal information such as name and Address attached to your opinion will be properly managed and will be used only for public comment on this proposal.
    • About other personal information, we handle appropriately in accordance with the regulations about protection of Yokohama-shi personal information.
  6. The 4th Yokohama City Community Welfare and Health Plan (draft)
    Full text of the draft (PDF: 10,873KB)  ※Chapter 2 and materials are described by the time the plan is formulated.
    Text version (word: 95KB)

※Chapter 3 and materials are described by the time the plan is formulated.

The fourth Yokohama-shi community-based welfare health plan (draft) summary version (PDF: 1,515KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Welfare Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Community Welfare Department

Phone: 045-671-3428

Phone: 045-671-3428

Fax: 045-664-3622

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 124-611-839


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