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Consumer Affairs Committee, Children's Committee, Chief Children's Committee

Last updated on June 27, 2022.

The committee is recommended by the District Recommendation Preparatory Committee, which is composed of representatives from the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations and others, and is commissioned by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare to carry out a wide range of activities to promote community welfare in each area. For example, residents who need assistance due to disasters such as visiting and watching elderly households, such as volunteer activities and cooperation and support for community fundraising campaigns, consultation on living welfare fund lending, etc. Understanding, etc. In this way, it is necessary to grasp the actual situation of the local welfare committee activities, so in principle, we have been recommended from local residents.

What are the Consumer Affairs Committee and Children's Committee?

Since the Consumer Affairs Committee also serves as a Children's Committee, one Consumer Affairs Committee is called the "Committee and Children's Committee". We carry out promotion of community-based welfare by having area in charge and watching over local resident and performing necessary support. In addition, cooperation in the work of administrative agencies is one of the duties.

What is the Chief Children's Committee?

It is a local welfare officer and children's committee who are elected from the children's committee and specializes in matters related to child welfare. In addition, when simply expressed as "Committee for Consumer Affairs", it refers to "Committee for Consumers and Children" including "Chief Children's Committee". We are working on various elementary school student issues in cooperation with local welfare and children's committees.

Term of office

The term of the local welfare officer is three years, but you may be reappointed.
In addition, if you retire in the middle of your term, the successor will be the remaining term of your predecessor.

Status, etc.

He is a part-time local government employee commissioned by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare. Although there is no compensation, we provide activity expenses (fixed amount) for transportation expenses, communication expenses, training participation expenses, etc. necessary for the activities of the local welfare committee.

Duty of confidentiality

The duty of confidentiality is imposed by the Consumer Affairs Committee Act, and personal secrets obtained through individual consultations are kept. In addition, even after resigning from the Consumer Affairs Committee, it is necessary to keep personal secrets what you have learned through activities.

Consumer Affairs Committee Activities

Understanding the actual living conditions and welfare needs of local residents is the most basic and important activity. Through opportunities such as local activities and visiting activities, we will grasp the actual situation in the area in charge and provide assistance and information on welfare services in consultation with residents who need assistance. . HoweverNeighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association, the Japan National Council of Social Welfare, and Community Care Plaza are essential. In addition, in cases where specialized knowledge is required, within the scope of confidentiality, we will consult at the local welfare officer children's committee meeting and connect to specialized organizations.
Through these activities, you can learn about the area, study welfare and society, and you can have many friends.


It is a leaflet that introduces the local welfare officer, children's committee, and chief children's committee.
We introduce the activities, such as posting interviews with people who are working while working.


District Recommendation Preparatory Meeting / Union District Recommendation Preparatory Meeting Form

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