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- Location of Yokohama City Social Welfare / Social Welfare Work
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Location of Yokohama City Social Welfare / Social Welfare Work
Last updated on December 25, 2024.
Yokohama City Social Worker
Yokohama City has created the “Social Welfare Work Human Resource Development Vision” as a basic policy for human resource development for social welfare workers, and has set forth the philosophy of social welfare workers.
Becoming a staff member who practices this philosophy also leads to your own growth as a social worker.
We are working on human resource development by enriching various trainings and changing personnel who can experience various welfare fields so that staff can grow as soon as possible.
Social welfare staff assignments
In Yokohama City, both the "bureau" that develops measures for the entire city and the "ward office" that takes advantage of local characteristics have assigned social welfare jobs, and we are working to improve the welfare of citizens through interaction. is.
Main department "bureau" which carries out measure of the whole city
We plan and operate welfare-related systems and measures, manage budgets, and support the operation of welfare establishments.
Health and Social Welfare Bureau
There are a wide range of fields to be assigned, such as the elderly, disabled, social security, and community welfare.
Child and Youth Bureau
We plan, coordinate, and promote measures such as support for children with disabilities and measures against child abuse and DV.
Departments specializing in specialized fields
Departments specializing in specialized fields such as the children's guidance office and the Rehabilitation Counseling Center for Persons with Disabilities. In addition to support that makes use of each specialty, we also provide awareness and awareness of the system and back up related organizations.
Rehabilitation Counseling Center for Persons with Disabilities
Mental Health Consultation Center
Youth Consultation Center (Hikikomori Community Support Center)
children's guidance office (4 locations in the city)
Departments that are close to life situations
There are public welfare facilities, which support duties as counselors and living scenes of facility residents. In addition, we will provide support for the independence of the target persons.
Shofu Gakuen (Facilities for Persons with Disabilities)
Koyo Gakuen (elementary school student Independence Support Facility)
Miharu Gakuen (elementary school student Nursing Home)
Midori Haym (Mother and Child Life Support Facility)
Department "ward office" which provides various support to citizens
We provide consultation on general welfare, visits as necessary, and coordination with related organizations. In addition, we perform decision duties such as support about welfare based on law.
Health and Welfare Division
For improvement of community-based welfare health, we perform development, promotion of "community-based welfare health plan" and town development of welfare in cooperation with related organizations.
Elderly and Disabled Support Division
We provide individual consultation support for the welfare and health services of the elderly and the disabled, community support including efforts to prevent abuse and advocacy.
Children and Families Support Division
We provide consultation services on child rearing, children with disabilities, and measures to prevent child abuse in cooperation with children's guidance office, schools, daycare centers, and local related organizations.
Life Support Division
For citizens who have problems in life, we provide independence consultation support for the poor in life and independence support through duties such as social security.
Inquiries to this page
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health and Welfare Division
Phone: 045-671-4069
Phone: 045-671-4069
Fax: 045-664-3622
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 563-943-913