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Town development priority promotion district of welfare
Last updated on June 10, 2024.
What is the welfare town development priority promotion district?
In the town development regulations of Yokohama-shi welfare, we can designate district where it is admitted that it is particularly necessary to promote town development of welfare as town development important point promotion district of welfare. (Article 17 of the Ordinance)
Urban base type: Around Kannai Station welfare town development important point promotion district business (Heisei 11-2015)
Based on the Yokohama City Welfare Town Development Ordinance, on December 15, 1999, the "Kannai Station Area" with a radius of 500 meters around JR and Municipal Subway Kannai Sta. was designated as the first priority promotion district.
Aiming at a warm town where everyone can go out comfortably and happily with peace of mind, "Kannai Station area welfare town development priority promotion district meeting (outside site)" composed of citizens, businesses, and Yokohama City We worked on various businesses.
The business ended in March 2004, but since then, we have established a continuing organization and continue our efforts to become a “human-friendly town”.
Citizen-initiated type: Isogo Station area welfare town development important point promotion district business (2013-2015)
In this project, based on the initiative of the citizen group regarding welfare town development, the citizen group cooperates with other local residents, businesses, and the government to discuss local welfare town development, share issues, and everyone It is an initiative based on a citizen-initiated method that aims to realize from what can be done.
In the area around Isogo Station, we set up the "Isogo Station Area Welfare Town Development Priority Promotion District Council", which consists of citizens, businesses, and cities, mainly civic groups, and created community development guidelines for district welfare. On October 15, 2002, we received district designation by the mayor notification.
It was finished as a business in March 2004, but has continued to participate in the inhabitant of a ward festival since then.
Ward-based type: Tsurumi Terao district welfare town development important point promotion district business (2016-2018)
In the Tsurumi Terao district, since 2003, the Terao Community Care Plaza has been supporting each other and discussing welfare town development with liaison meetings, Neighborhood Associations, and child-raising groups, and has been designated as a priority promotion district on October 25, 2004.
Improvement of parks and roads was implemented as "Fukumachi Hardware Development". Around the bus stop in front of Higashi High School, the sidewalk was expanded using the slopes of the high school to make it easy to walk. In addition, we carried out enlightenment business such as "Fukumachi Festa" and "Our town exploration corps training course". .
Even after the project ended in FY2018, we continued our efforts so far and utilized them in the Tsurumi Ainet (Tsurumi Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan).
Ward-based type: Around Aobadai Station welfare town development priority promotion district business (2016-2018)
In the area around Aobadai Station, the “Aobadai Attractive Town Planning Exploratory Committee” has been promoting town development with a view to improving the walking space around the station and making it barrier-free.
This activity developed and was designated as a priority promotion district on October 25, 2004. We created a "support guide" that shows how to support people with disabilities, and conducted an exchange meeting with elementary schools utilizing it. . In addition, we made "improvement proposal" based on result of town walk and suggested to railway companies.
(The business ended in fiscal 2006)
Ward-based type: Around Kanazawa Bunko Station welfare town development priority promotion district business (2016-2018)
In the area around Kanazawa Bunko Station, based on the idea that there is an elevator at Kanazawa Bunko Station, the Welfare Town Development Priority Promotion District Council was launched in 2004, and on April 25, 2005, the priority promotion district Received district designation.
The execution unit of the activity was named "Kanazawa Fukumachi Cheering Team", and volunteered at Kanazawa Bunko Station Station and a walk rally. In addition, the long-awaited elevator was completed and a commemorative event was held.
Business was finished in 2006, but activity of "Kanazawa Fukumachi cheering party" is continued and carries out station volunteers regularly.
Ward-based type: Town development priority promotion district business around Nakagawa Station welfare (FY19-21)
The area around Nakagawa Station in Tsuzuki Ward was designated as a priority promotion area on October 25, 2007. For about three years until March 2010, we carry out town development activity of welfare with the aim of "promotion of" deai, support, wakachiai "with person and person" in Nakagawa district. Local communities, organizations, schools, businesses, and governments work together to promote “barrier-free mind” = “welfare town development” so that the three “ai” in the goals can be connected to each other and create a synergistic effect. We work on the creation of a culture.
Action Guidelines (Summary Version)
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Action Guidelines (Detailed Version)
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