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Issuance of automobile fuel tickets for persons with disabilities

Last updated on March 26, 2025.

※Precautions for Use※

  • Lending, transfer, or copying of this ticket is prohibited.
  • If misconduct is found, we will collect this ticket and request a refund of the grant amount, or will not issue it for one year thereafter.
  • This ticket cannot be redeemed.
  • If you see an exhibition on a resale site, please contact the City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Independence Support Division (671-2401).

[For those who are currently using a fuel ticket and wish to exchange it for a special ride certificate (Keiro Pass)]

With the conversion of the Keiro Pass to the IC from October 2022, it will take about one month to replace it with the Keiro Pass. Fuel tickets are not available during the exchange. If you would like to exchange, please apply to your ward office as soon as possible.

①Of the 1 to 5 special tickets for disabled car fuel tickets, 2 welfare taxi tickets, 3 special tickets for welfare, 4 special tickets for the elderly, and 5 special tickets, only one can be used. Please note that 2-5 cannot be issued if you apply for a car fuel ticket for the disabled.

※When refueling, please inform the clerk in advance that you will use the fuel ticket. Please use the fuel ticket for refueling in amounts (1,000 yen).

Issuance of automobile fuel tickets for persons with disabilities (physical, intellectual, and mental)


In order to subsidize the fuel cost of private cars (excluding motorcycles) owned by persons with disabilities or their families, we will issue a car fuel ticket for persons with disabilities that subsidizes up to 1,000 yen per sheet.

[Target persons]

Those who live in the city corresponding to any of the following and have not received a welfare taxi ticket, a special welfare ticket, a special elderly ticket, or a special ticket
(1) Those who have a 1.2 grade certificate of the physically disabled, including lower limbs, trunk, sight, internal, or mobility dysfunction
(2) Love Notebook (Nursing Handbook) Those who have A1 or A2 or those who have been determined to have an intelligence index of 35 or less at the Rehabilitation Consultation Center for Persons with Disabilities, children's guidance office
(3) Those who have a grade 3 certificate of the physically disabled, including lower limbs, trunk, sight, internal, or mobility dysfunction, who have a love notebook (nursing notebook) B1 or who are judged to have an intelligence index of 50 or less at the Rehabilitation Consultation Center / children's guidance office
(4) Those who have the Mental Handicapped Health and Welfare Handbook Level 1

[Target Vehicles]

For each person with a disability in advance, please register one vehicle that meets the following requirements.
(1) Owner requirements
Those that fall under any of the following.

  • Owned by the person, spouse, direct relatives and their spouses, siblings and their spouses, and relatives of living together
  • If used under an installment contract or long-term lease contract, the name of the person listed above is indicated in the "Name or name of the user" column on the automobile inspection certificate (vehicle inspection certificate).
  • When the person or relative does not own a car, the person who continues to care for the target person on a daily basis is owned or used by installment contracts etc.

(2) Vehicle requirements
vehicles, Small Vehicles or light motor vehicles, which have a capacity of 10 or less or have similar structures and functions.
What is recognized.
(3) Vehicles not eligible

  • The “Separation for Private Use and Business” column of the automobile inspection certificate (vehicle inspection certificate) is for business use
  • If the owner (except when purchased under an installment purchase contract, etc.) or the user is a corporation
  • Provided for paid mobile services
  • Provided for business purposes
  • Rental car, taxi, light truck, rented car, substitute car for vehicle inspection and repair

Number of Grants

From October 1 to September 30 of the following year, 24 cards will be issued annually.
Of those who are eligible, those who go to dialysis at least three times a week for kidney dysfunction will receive 48 copies per year. However, if you use the pick-up service at the dialysis destination, you will not be eligible for the extra grant.

[How to use]

(1) Before refueling, check with the gas station clerk to see if a car fuel ticket for the disabled can be used.
※Gas stations that can use car fuel tickets for persons with disabilities are limited to those contracted with Motoichi (please check the list at the bottom).
(2) A gas station clerk confirms that the number of the vehicle printed on the car fuel ticket for the disabled matches the number of the vehicle actually refueling.
※It cannot be used for refueling to vehicles other than those registered in advance.

[Precautions for Use]

(1) If you use a car fuel ticket for the disabled, the refueling unit price may differ from the over-the-counter price. Please check the unit price of refueling before refueling, and use it after approval.
(2) Automobile fuel tickets for persons with disabilities can be used only for high-ocgasoline, regular gasoline, and light oil. Oil, car washing, etc. are not eligible for further assistance.

[Application window, necessary for application]

[Application window] Health and Welfare Center, each district where you live
[Required for Application]

  • Handbook for the Physically Handicapped, Handbook for Love (Nursing Handbook), etc. or Health and Welfare Handbook for the Mentally Handicapped
  • A copy of the automobile inspection certificate (vehicle inspection certificate) of the car to be registered ※In the case of a car inspection certificate (vehicle inspection certificate) issued after January 2023, it is also necessary to submit a copy of the car inspection certificate record items printed on paper issued at the same time as the original.

(1) Car fuel tickets for persons with disabilities cannot be rented, transferred, resale, cashed or pledged. (In case of unauthorized use, etc.
Yes, after collecting the ticket as invalid, you may be asked to suspend the grant or refund the amount of unauthorized use.)
(2) Car fuel tickets for disabled people will not be reissued if they are lost.
(3) You will need to change the registered vehicle again. Please apply at the Health and Welfare Center district where you live.
“Required for Vehicle Change”
・Fuel tickets before vehicle change (the same number as the remaining fuel tickets will be issued. Additional replacement is not possible later.
・Handbook for the Physically Handicapped, Handbook for Love (Nursing Handbook), etc. or Health and Welfare Handbook for the Mentally Handicapped
・A copy of the automobile inspection certificate (vehicle inspection certificate) of the car to be registered ※In the case of a car inspection certificate (vehicle inspection certificate) issued after January 2023, it is also necessary to submit a copy of the car inspection certificate record items printed on paper issued at the same time as the original.

[About the next and subsequent updates]

There is no need to apply again for the next valid vehicle fuel ticket for the disabled for the next validity period, as it will be mailed sequentially to the target person by mid-September.
※If you do not have a valid notebook after October 1, you will not be able to issue a car fuel ticket for the disabled, so if you need to renew it, please update the notebook as soon as possible.

[When switching to "Welfare Taxi Ticket", "Welfare Special Ticket" or "Welfare Special Ticket" during the validity period (October to September of the following year)]

The remaining number of car fuel tickets for persons with disabilities (48 tickets for renal dysfunction) = 1 month and the start month of use of special welfare tickets, etc. Can not be switched until the month when it is insufficient.
※Switching is limited to one time during the validity period.
※As welfare taxi use ticket, welfare special ticket, respect for the elderly special ticket, etc. cannot be paid together, car fuel ticket for the disabled must be returned.
※If you switch to a special welfare ticket, you will be charged a user fee of 1,200 yen per year (600 yen under 20 years old).
(There is no user contribution when switching to a welfare taxi ticket or a special ride certificate for the elderly.)

List of Switching necessary number of sheets
Automotive fuel for persons with disabilities
The remaining number(*)
24 sheets22 sheets
20 sheets
18 sheets
16 sheets
14 sheets
12 sheets
10 sheets
8 sheets
6 sheets
4 sheets
2 sheets
1 sheet
The following:
For tickets, etc.
Month that can be switched
Not allowed

(※) For those who receive 48 copies due to renal dysfunction, the "remaining number" in the table will be doubled.

■Business establishments that can use car fuel tickets for persons with disabilities

Establishments that can use car fuel tickets for persons with disabilities are as shown in the following "List of Refueling Stations for Persons with Disabilities in Yokohama City".
List of refueling stations handling vehicles for persons with disabilities in Yokohama City (as of March 26, 2025) (Excel) (Excel: 31KB)
List of Yokohama-shi person with a disability car fuel ticket handling stations (as of March 26, 2025) (PDF: 194KB)
※The contents of the above two files are the same.

■Car fuel ticket data map for persons with disabilities

You can check a list of gas stations that can use car fuel tickets for persons with disabilities on Google Maps (My Map Function). This service is used by Yokohama City, and the domain is, which is different from that of Motoichi (consulted in accordance with Article 6, Paragraph 4 of the Yokohama City Internet Receipt Guidelines)
Please use the link below and 2D code.

a       Car fuel ticket data map image for persons with disabilities


         2D code

Car fuel ticket data map for persons with disabilities (as of March 26, 2025) (outside site)

■For businesses wishing to handle car fuel tickets for persons with disabilities

In Motoichi, we are looking for businesses that can handle so that even one available gas station can be increased in order to support going out for people with disabilities. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Welfare and Health Department Disability Independence Support Section Mobile Support Section

Phone: 045-671-2401

Phone: 045-671-2401

Fax: 045-671-3566

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 347-971-772


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