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Social participation training

Last updated on December 27, 2024.

Social participation training

Nothing in each business
Business nameTarget personContentsWindow
Life training for the visually impaired society, home, etc.Visually impairedWe provide training necessary for family and social life, such as cooking classes, computer classes, and sports classes.Yokohama City Disabled Persons Social Participation Promotion Center
Sunday classroom for deaf peopleHearing ImpairedWe hold classrooms such as acquiring knowledge necessary for social life and providing information.
Speech training for people with speech dysfunctionPeople with speech and language dysfunction who have larynx removed due to illness, etc.We conduct esophagus vocalization training and vocalization training with artificial larynx so that daily conversation can be possible.
Intermediate hearing loss communication classPeople with hearing loss or hearing lossWe hold classes to learn sign language.
Ostomate Health ClassStoma builderWe provide advice and workshops on daily life through appropriate management guidance and health consultations for stomas.
Wheelchair Life SeminarSpinal cord injury, etc.We hold lectures on knowledge necessary for daily life.
Cooking class for people with renal failureRenal failureLearn how to self-manage the intake of water and salt in daily life necessary for efficient dialysis treatment, and how to cook the ingredients deliciously.
Training for wearing assistive devicesPeople with physical disabilitiesWe will acquire knowledge about assistive devices and conduct training.
Life training class for people with respiratory dysfunctionPersons with respiratory dysfunction and their familiesLectures will be held for understanding people with respiratory dysfunction and learning how to deal with them in daily life.
PC class for persons with disabilitiesPersons with disabilities and their families and volunteersYou will learn basic operations and document creation of personal computers and tablet terminals.
Personal Computer Consultation Room for Persons with DisabilitiesConsultation on PCs and tablet terminals (operation methods, installation and connection methods of peripheral devices, etc.).
Contact seminar for people with cerebral paralysisSystemic disabled people such as cerebral paralysisIn order for systemic persons with disabilities to live independently in the community, we hold workshops to promote interaction between persons with disabilities and healthy people.
Emergency life training for blind peopleVisually impairedIn addition to walking to reduce the difficulties of daily life due to invisible or invisible, learning to operate smartphones and personal computers, devising housework, etc., we provide information and consultation.Yokohama Hospital Life Training Center (outside site)
Production and rental of video (DVD with sign language and subtitles)Hearing ImpairedWe are producing videos for people with hearing impairments. In addition, we rent subtitles and DVDs with sign language free of charge.Yokohama Rapport
Kanagawa Prefectural Hearing Impaired Welfare Center Various CoursesDeaf children and persons in Kanagawa PrefectureWe offer various courses such as hobbies and culture.Kanagawa Welfare Center for the Hearing Impaired
Kanagawa Prefectural Hearing Impaired Welfare Center Hearing Language, Reading Story, Pronunciation, Sign Language GuidanceDeaf children and persons in Kanagawa PrefectureProvide advice and guidance on hearing, language and communication for infants. For hearing-impaired people, we will provide hearing training, reading, pronunciation, and sign language instruction in parallel with the test.

Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Welfare and Health Department Disability Independence Support Section Social Participation Promotion Section

Phone: 045-671-3602

Phone: 045-671-3602

Fax: 045-671-3566

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 997-931-919


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