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About designated medical institution in independence support medical care (upbringing medical care, rehabilitation medical care)

Last updated on March 10, 2025.

About designated medical institution system

(1) List of designated medical institutions for independence support medical care (upbringing medical care and rehabilitation medical care) (as of March 1, 2025)

(2) Overview

In order to be eligible for the independence support medical expenses system, it is necessary to be designated as a “designated independence support medical institution” in advance.

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Notice No. 0303005 (PDF: 200KB) (excerpt) (March 3, 2006)
Designated independence support medical institution medical treatment charge regulations (hospital only) (PDF: 69KB)


(3) About designated duties of medical institution

The designated duties of independence support medical care are performed by the prefecture where the medical institution is located or by a government-designated city.

The designated duties of medical institutions in Yokohama City are for independence support medical care (upbringing medical care and rehabilitation medical care).
We go to City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid Division (Phone: 045-671-4115).
(However, judgment work such as written opinions is performed at the Rehabilitation Consultation Center for Persons with Disabilities.)

  • In Yokohama City, in the case of new applications, the deadline is 20th of every month (must arrive, if it is a closed day, the next open day), and in principle, it will be designated from the 1st of the month following the designated decision date.
  • We will review the submitted documents and contact you if you have any questions. Please note that depending on the content, it may not be possible to specify from the 1st of the month following the application month.
  • In addition, designated services for independence support medical care (psychiatric outpatient medical care) are provided at City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Kokoro Health Consultation Center (TEL: 045-622-3552).


1.Application procedure (new)

If you are a medical institution that is going to receive a new designation, please apply using the following documents.

※ Attachment of the officer list is no longer required from October 2018.
※ If you are a newly opened medical institution and have not yet decided on a medical institution code, please submit a blank document and contact us as soon as the medical institution code is determined.

1-1 New applications for hospitals or clinics

What you need to submit

  • Required
     Designated independence support medical institution (upbringing medical care and rehabilitation medical care) Designated application form (hospital or clinics)
     Attachment 1 (CV)
     Attachment 2 (Overview of the system and equipment necessary for providing independence support medical care)
     Attachment 3 (Certificate of Research Contents)
     Copy of doctor's license (Please copy to A4 size.)
  • Additional necessary depending on the type of medical care
     Attachment 4 to Attachment 11

Download of application form (style)

The download file contains the procedure guide and entry procedure. Please be sure to check it.

ContentsForm (Word)Form (PDF)
Designated application form (hospital, clinics) and Attachments 1, 2, 3Style (word: 28KB)Style (PDF: 295KB)

※ If the type of medical treatment is kidney, small intestine, heart transplantation, liver transplantation, kidney transplantation, or orthodontics,
  Please submit the following documents in addition to the application form.

Additional necessary depending on the type of medical care
ContentsForm (Word)Form (PDF)
Attachment 4 Medical Care for KidneysStyle (word: 13KB)Style (PDF: 70KB)
Attachment 5 Medical care for small intestinesStyle (word: 15KB)Style (PDF: 182KB)
Attachment 6 Medical care related to heart transplantation (main physician)Style (word: 17KB)Style (PDF: 103KB)
Attachment 7 Medical care related to heart transplantation (doctor of affiliated organization)Style (word: 18KB)Style (PDF: 103KB)
Attachment 8 Medical care related to liver transplantation (main physician)Style (word: 17KB)Style (PDF: 113KB)
Attachment 9 Medical care related to liver transplantation (doctor of affiliated organization)Style (word: 18KB)Style (PDF: 103KB)
Attachment 10 Medical care related to kidney transplantationStyle (word: 19KB)Style (PDF: 105KB)
Attachment 11 Medical care related to orthodonticsStyle (word: 14KB)Style (word: 14KB)

1-2 New applications for pharmacies

※ About pharmacy to open newly, it is necessary that "manager (managed pharmacist) has experience as manager (managed pharmacist) in other designated independence support medical institutions in the past".

What you need to submit

  • Designated independence support medical institution (upbringing medical care / rehabilitation medical care) Designated application (pharmacy)
  • Copy of pharmacist's license of managed pharmacist (copy to A4 size)
  • A sketch of the pharmacy

Download of application form (style)

The download file contains the procedure guide and entry procedure. Please be sure to check it.

ContentsForm (Word)Form (PDF)
Designated application (pharmacy)Style (word: 23KB)Style (PDF: 198KB)

1-3 New application for home-visit nursing stations

What you need to submit

  • Designated independence support medical institution (upbringing medical care, rehabilitation medical care) designated application (designated home-visit nursing care provider, etc.)
  • Number of staff engaged
  • Copy of designated letter of advice of establishment based on employee health insurance law or Nursing Care Insurance Law

Download of application form (style)

The download file contains the procedure guide and entry procedure. Please be sure to check it.

ContentsForm (Word)Form (PDF)
Designated application (visit nursing station) and attached sheetStyle (word: 21KB)Style (PDF: 185KB)

1-4 Destination of the application form

Please send the application form to the following address.

 6-50-10-16F, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
 City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid Division Welfare and Medical Section


2.Application procedure (change)

If there is any change in the content from the latest application, please apply for the change to the City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid Division using the change application form.

※ If both the "name" and "location" of the medical institution are changed, you will need to apply for "abolished" and "new" instead of applying for change.
※ Regarding the change of officers, application is no longer required from October 2018.
  However, if the establisher is changed (including the case where the representative director is changed when the establisher is a corporation), an application is required.

2-1 Application for change of hospital or clinics

Changes that require application (main items)

  • Name or location of medical institution
  • Address and name or name of the establisher
  • If the establisher is a corporation, the name of the representative director
  • Advocated medical treatment Families (limited to those related to the type of independence support medical care in charge)
  • Name and background of the doctor (main doctor) who is mainly in charge of designated independence support medical care
  • System necessary for providing independence support medical care, outline of facilities, capacity of inpatient facilities

Download of application form (style)

The download file contains the procedure guide and entry procedure. Please be sure to check it.

ContentsForm (Word)Form (PDF)
Application for Change (Hospital, clinics) and Attachments 1, 2, and 3Style (word: 29KB)Style (PDF: 336KB)

※ If your doctor changes, you will need a copy of your doctor's license (copy to A4 size), your resume (Attachment 1), and a certificate of research (Attachment 3) in addition to the application form.
※ If both "Name" and "Location" of the hospital and clinics are changed, you will need to apply for "Abolish" and "New" instead of applying for change.

※ When changing the main doctor of kidney, small intestine, heart transplant, liver transplant, kidney transplant, or orthodontics,
  Please submit the following documents in addition to the application form.

Additional necessary depending on the type of medical care
ContentsForm (Word)Form (PDF)
Attachment 4 Medical Care for KidneysStyle (word: 13KB)Style (PDF: 70KB)
Attachment 5 Medical care for small intestinesStyle (word: 15KB)Style (PDF: 182KB)
Attachment 6 Medical care related to heart transplantation (main physician)Style (word: 17KB)Style (PDF: 103KB)
Attachment 7 Medical care related to heart transplantation (doctor of affiliated organization)Style (word: 18KB)Style (PDF: 103KB)
Attachment 8 Medical care related to liver transplantation (main physician)Style (word: 17KB)Style (PDF: 113KB)
Attachment 9 Medical care related to liver transplantation (doctor of affiliated organization)Style (word: 18KB)Style (PDF: 103KB)
Attachment 10 Medical care related to kidney transplantationStyle (word: 19KB)Style (PDF: 105KB)
Attachment 11 Medical care related to orthodonticsStyle (word: 14KB)Style (PDF: 54KB)

2-2 Application for change of pharmacy

Changes that require application (main)

  • Name or location of the pharmacy
  • Address and name or name of the establisher
  • If the establisher is a corporation, the name of the representative director
  • Managed pharmacist in charge
  • Overview of systems and equipment necessary for dispensing

Download of application form (style)

The download file contains the procedure guide and entry procedure. Please be sure to check it.

ContentsForm (Word)Form (PDF)
Application for change (pharmacy) and Attachments 1 and 2Style (word: 25KB)Style (PDF: 253KB)

※ If the managed pharmacist is changed, a copy of the pharmacist's license (copy to A4 size) and a resume of the managed pharmacist (attached sheet 1) are required in addition to the change application form.
※ If both the "name" and "location" of the pharmacy are changed, you will need to apply for "abolished" and "new" instead of applying for change.

2-3 Application for change of home-visit nursing station

Changes that require application (main)

  • Name or location of home-visit nursing stations
  • Representative Address and name or name of representative
  • If the representative is a corporation, the name of the representative director
  • Number of staff engaged

Download of application form (style)

The download file contains the procedure guide and entry procedure. Please be sure to check it.

ContentsForm (Word)Form (PDF)
Change Application Form (visit nursing station) and Attachment 1Style (word: 23KB)Style (PDF: 211KB)

※ If both the "name" and "location" of the home-visit nursing station are changed, you will need to apply for "abolished" and "new" instead of applying for change.

2-4 Destination of the application

Please send the application form to the following address.

 6-50-10-16F, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
 City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid Division Welfare and Medical Section


3.Application procedure (renewal of designation)

There is an expiration date for designation of a medical institution, which is six years from the designated date or the latest renewal date.
The specified renewal procedure is required by the expiration date.
Notifications will be sent to designated medical institutions whose expiration date is approaching. The form is also enclosed in the notification, but you can also download and use it below.


※ If there is any change in the content from the latest application, please refer to the section “2. Application Procedure (Change)” and apply for the change in conjunction with the renewal application.

3-1 Download the application form (style)

What I need
ContentsForm (Word)Form (PDF)
(for hospitals and clinics) Designated Renewal Application Form and AttachmentStyle (word: 22KB)Style (PDF: 183KB)
(for pharmacies) Designated Renewal Application Form and AttachmentStyle (word: 22KB)Style (PDF: 138KB)
(for home-visit nursing stations) Renewal Application Form and AttachmentStyle (word: 21KB)Style (PDF: 137KB)

3-2 Destination of Application Form

Please send the application form to the following address.

 6-50-10-16F, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
 City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid Division Welfare and Medical Section


4.Application procedure (designated decline application)

When we decline designation of designated medical institution, report is necessary to Yokohama-shi.
In order to decline, a notice period of at least one month is required.
The format of the application form is as follows.
Style (decline) (word: 17KB), style (decline) (PDF: 111KB)


5.Application procedures (pause, abolition, reopening)

When we suspend, abolish, and resume duties of medical institution, report is necessary to Yokohama-shi.
The style of registration form is as follows.
Style (pause, abolition, resumption) (word: 16KB), style (pause, abolition, resumption) (PDF: 107KB)

In addition, when recipient continues to use independence support medical care at other medical institutions, we would like you to explain that change procedure of medical institution is necessary.


Destination of the application

Please send the application form to the following address.

 6-50-10-16F, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
 City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid Division Welfare and Medical Section


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Inquiries to this page

Medical Aid Division, Ministry of Life and Welfare, Health and Social Welfare Bureau

Phone: 045-671-4115

Phone: 045-671-4115

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 845-684-244


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