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- About Motoichi response to survivors due to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake (related to disability welfare)
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About Motoichi response to survivors due to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake (related to disability welfare)
I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to all those affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on January 1, 2024. Since the Disaster Relief Law has been applied in some areas of Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa and Fukui prefectures, regarding the handling of disability welfare services when affected children and persons are evacuated to Motoichi, I will tell you as follows.
Last updated on January 22, 2024.
Person using obstacle welfare service, please confirm the next leaflet about the handling such as charges.
(Leaflet for citizens) To the survivors of the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake using disability welfare services (PDF: 162KB)
Application status of the Disaster Relief Act (Cabinet Office disaster prevention information page) (external site)
Ⅰ. Disability welfare services, etc.
For children with disabilities in disaster area, you may be able to receive the same services as when you present your ID card, etc. The same applies to the payment of assistive device costs.
Ⅱ. Medical care for independence support
If you are unable to submit your health insurance card or medical care certificate, you may be able to receive a medical examination at a medical institution by requesting that you be a person who has been granted the medical care certificate and checking your name, date of birth, Addressmedical care certificate, etc. In addition, in the case of emergency, medical institutions other than the designated independence support medical institution can also be consulted. When consulting, please consult with the medical institution you wish to consult.
・About presentation of identification of insured person pertaining to survivors of disaster related to 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake (notice dated January 1, 2024) (PDF: 51KB)
・About the handling of publicly funded medical care pertaining to survivors of disasters related to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake (Notice dated January 1, 2024) (PDF: 117KB)
Ⅲ. About the welfare of persons with disabilities
The following page introduces "Disability Welfare", which summarizes disability welfare services available to disabled children and people living in Yokohama City and their families. Please use the booklet version of the data and information on how to use the application for disability welfare.
Contact information of each ward office
For consultation on the use of disability welfare services, please contact Elderly and Disabled Support Division (disabled person) or Children and Families Support Division (disabled person) in the ward where you are evacuated.
List of contact information for each ward office
Notification to offices in Yokohama City (notice from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Notice from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare regarding the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake is posted.
・2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake (Notice from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
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Inquiries to this page
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Welfare and Health Department Disability Measures Promotion Section
Phone: 045-671-3601
Phone: 045-671-3601
Fax: 045-671-3566
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 167-026-469