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Provide information about notifications in Braille.

Last updated on November 13, 2024.

Based on the purpose of the Disability Discrimination Elimination Act, as an approach to "security of information" for those with visual impairment, for those who wish to provide information in Braille, the "notification name" of the notification issued from Motoichi, We will provide information on "shipping source" and "reference" in Braille.
By this approach, when notification arrives from Motoichi, you will be able to understand in Braille about "what kind of notice has arrived" and "where to contact".

Responsible Notifications (as of May 1, 2024)

<Disability Welfare>

  • Disability support division authorization letter of advice (disability welfare service)
  • Notification of disability support category certification non-applicable
  • Notification of payment decision (change) such as nursing care payment costs (disability welfare service)
  • Notification of non-payment decision such as nursing care payment costs (disability welfare service)
  • Notice of cancellation of payment decision such as nursing care payment costs (disability welfare service)
  • Notice of disposal of long-term care payment costs (disability welfare service)
  • Notice of rejection of nursing care payment expenses (disability welfare service)
  • Identification of recipient of disability welfare service
  • Decision (change) notice (disability welfare service) such as user burden reduction, exemption such as care payment costs
  • Notification of certification for persons with disabilities subject to service use plan creation (disability welfare service)
  • Notification of cancellation of certification for persons with disabilities subject to service use plan creation (disability welfare service)
  • medical expenses Payment Decision (Change) Notice (Disability Welfare Service)
  • medical care certificate (Disability Welfare Service)
  • Notice of renewal of disability support category certification (disability welfare service)
  • Application for disability welfare services, etc.
  • Application for reduction and exemption of user burden such as disability welfare services
  • Request (change) registration form (Disability Welfare Service)
  • Notice of payment of assistive device costs (rejection / abolition)
  • Notification of disability (child) daily life equipment payment decision (rejection / abolition)
  • Plan consultation support payment payment (change) letter of advice (disability welfare service)
  • Plan consultation support payment rejection decision letter (disability welfare service)
  • Notice of cancellation of plan consultation support payment costs (disability welfare service)
  • Identification of local consultation support recipient (disability welfare service)
  • Notice of Anshin Denwa (emergency help call) Benefits and Lending Year Renewal Decision
  • About mailing of card style disability certificate (contact)
  • About sending of card style disability certificate

<Medical Care>

  • Preliminary Examination Voucher for COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Announcement of vaccination in COVID-19

Nursing-Care Insurance

  • Announcement of annual payment of Long-term Care Insurance Premium


  • Municipal tax, prefectural tax amount determination, tax payment letter of advice
  • Property Tax (Land / House) Tax Payment Notice

<Municipal Housing>

  • Income report
  • Income Certification Notice

National Health Insurance

  • National Health Insurance Insured Card (at the time of simultaneous renewal)

※Notifications that are not in this list may be handled individually.

Business Flow

1.We accept report from citizen who wants Braille correspondence and share the information in agency.

  • About notice to issue from Motoichi, please report that we hope for Braille correspondence from person with visual impairment hope for Braille correspondence.
  • Health and Social Welfare Bureau obstacle measure promotion section makes reporter list and shares information in agency.

2.When issuing a notification from Motoichi, we will enclose a Braille document stating the "notification name" and "inquiry".

  • When issuing a notification that is subject to Braille, the responsible department that issues the notification will enclose a document containing the "document name", "shipping source" and "reference" of the notification in Braille. .
  • At the same time, we will inform you that the notification has been mailed by e-mail. (Only applicants)

Start time of business and registration notification

From Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Registration Report Method

Please fill out required items in the registered registration form (Form No. 1) and send it to the person in charge by mail.
※If it is difficult to fill out the form, please contact us 1 to 6 below by telephone or e-mail.

  1. Name
  2. Date of birth and age
  3. Address
  4. TEL
  5. Whether or not you would like to receive an e-mail notification
  6. E-mail address (only if you wish to receive e-mail notification)

≪Notification window≫

City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Obstacle Policy Promotion Section

Address: 〒231-0005

6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi

TEL: 045-671-3598

FAX: 045-671-3566

E-Mail address [email protected]

Notification style, etc.

(1) Implementation Guidelines

Please check the contents carefully when submitting your registration.

(2) Registered registration form (Form No. 1)

This is the form you submit when you use this business for the first time.

(3) Registration items (Change / Cancellation) registration form (Form No. 2)

This is a form that you submit when you change the contents of the notification or cancel the registration after submitting the registration registration form (Form 1).

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Inquiries to this page

Promotion Section, Disability Measures Promotion Section, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Welfare and Health Department

Phone: 045-671-3598

Phone: 045-671-3598

Fax: 045-671-3566

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 935-311-778


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