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- Cerebrovascular disease care support guide-medical and nursing care cooperation care path-
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Cerebrovascular disease care support guide-medical and nursing care cooperation care path-
Last updated on May 28, 2024.
What is cerebrovascular disease care support guide-Medical and nursing care cooperation care path-?
Cerebrovascular disease care support guide-Medical and nursing care cooperation care path-is a tool that can be used when consulting patients from patients and their families at medical institutions. If you are hospitalized for cerebrovascular disease, you or your family often do not know what kind of progress you will follow, and some people are worried. This leaflet is intended to help people learn about available services and necessary/required procedures in advance from hospitalization to life, so that they can have a future outlook, reduce anxiety, and receive necessary services.
Cerebrovascular disease care support guide-medical and nursing care cooperation care path-download
Cerebrovascular disease care support guide-medical and nursing care cooperation care path-
You can download PDF file of cerebrovascular disease care support guide.
※When printing, we recommend double-sided printing on A3 paper (short binding).
How to use leaflets (image)
How to use leaflets (image) (PDF: 1,058KB)
- How to use the leaflet (image).
Supplementary explanation materials
The presenter prints and explains the necessary information to patients with cerebrovascular disease or their families according to the person's stage.
This item corresponds to the checkbox part of the cerebrovascular disease care support guide.
※Depending on the material, it is linked to an external site.
List of supplementary explanation materials (PDF: 908KB)
A list of supplementary explanation materials.
(1) Application for The Long-term Care Insurance <Heart Page 11 to page 12> (PDF: 1,449KB)
This section describes the flow from the application of The Long-term Care Insurance to certification for long-term care.
(2) Care manager (selected) <Heart page Jo-13 to Jo-15> (PDF: 2,235KB)
The flow from certification for long-term care to the use of the service is described.
(3) Home service decision <Refer to Heart Page 18 to Jo-26> (PDF: 3,064KB)
The The Long-term Care Insurance service that can be used at home is listed.
(4) ≪ Expenses and Benefits≫
[high medical costs, elderly nursing care service costs, food and living expenses, high-priced medical care and high-cost nursing care combined system]
high medical costs, high-cost nursing care service costs, food and living expenses, high-cost medical care and nursing care combined system for those who are eligible for the National Health Insurance system, those who are eligible for the medical care system for the elderly, and those who use the The Long-term Care Insurance service.
◆Eligible persons under the National Health Insurance System
- high medical costs Elderly Care Service Fees <Refer to the National Health Insurance Guidebook (Table of Contents) “Benefit high medical costs”> (Insurance and Pension Division Health and Social Welfare Bureau)
- Food and living expenses <Refer to the National Health Insurance Guidebook (Table of Contents) “Co-payment for meals and living treatment at the time of hospitalization”> (Health and Social Welfare Bureau Insurance and Pension Division page)
- (Refer to the National Health Insurance Guidebook (Table of Contents)Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau, page)
◆Targets of the Medical System for Elderly Seniors
- high medical costs Elderly Care Service Fees <Refer to pages 14 to 16 of the Elderly Care System Guidebook for the Elderly> (outside site)
- Food and living expenses <Refer to pages 18 to 19 of the guidebook for medical care for the elderly> (outside site)
- High-priced medical care and high-cost nursing care combined system <Refer to the Elderly Care System Guidebook P17> (outside site)
◆The Long-term Care Insurance Service Users
- high medical costs / Elderly Care Service Expenses <Refer to Heart Page 34> (PDF: 1,123KB)
- Food expenses and living expenses <Heart page Jo-35 to Jo-36> (PDF: 1,302KB)
- High-priced medical care and high-cost nursing care combined system <Refer to Heart Page 36> (PDF: 1,295KB)
(5) Disability Basic Pension Employees' Pension Plan
The outline of the disability pension-related system, including Disability Basic Pension and requirements for receiving welfare pensions for persons with disabilities, is provided.
・ Those who are in National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
◆Disability Basic Pension <Refer to pages 18 and 19 of Kokumin Nenkin (brochure)> (Health and Social Welfare Bureau Insurance and Pension Division page)
・ Those who are in Employee Pension Plan (Kosei Nenkin)
◆(Refer to page 26 (Health and Social Welfare Bureau Insurance and Pension Division page))
(6) ≪Place of activities≫
[Rehabilitation Class / Mid-career Disability Local Activities Center, Language Rehabilitation Class]
It describes the target of the rehabilitation classroom and the contents of the Regional Activity Center for the Disabled.
◆Rehabilitation classroom, mid-career person with a disability local activity center <middle person with a disability local activity center brochure> (PDF: 520KB)
◆Language Rehabilitation Classroom <Language Rehabilitation Classroom Leaflet> (PDF: 1,270KB)
(7) ≪Going out support≫
7 Mobile Information Center <Mobile Information Center Brochure> (PDF: 414KB)
- As a consultation desk for moving for children with disabilities and persons, the contents of the mobile information center are described.
(8) ≪Working (reinstatement, job change, etc.), training at entrance, improvement of living environment, higher brain dysfunction≫
[Yokohama City General Rehabilitation Center (Yokohama City Higher Brain dysfunction support center)]
Outline and usage of Yokohama-shi synthesis rehabilitation center and Yokohama-shi higher brain dysfunction support center are described.
◆Yokohama-shi synthesis rehabilitation center brochure (PDF: 3,158KB)
◆Yokohama-shi higher brain dysfunction support center brochure (PDF: 483KB)
◆Yokohama-shi higher brain dysfunction special consultation leaflet (PDF: 1,774KB)
(9) {Things related to employment (reinstatement, job change, etc.)≫
Employment support center <employment support center brochure> (PDF: 4,803KB)
- It describes the target of the Employment Support Center, the general flow of employment support, and the contact information of each Employment Support Center.
(10) {Things related to facilities and housing≫
Facility-related / residential-related services <Heart page Jo-27 to Jo-29> (PDF: 1,885KB)
- Information on facilities (nursing homes, etc.) and residential facilities (group homes, paid nursing homes, etc.) that can be used in The Long-term Care Insurance is provided.
- It describes the outline of the consultation center for facilities for the elderly and housing.
- It describes the flow up to the acquisition of the certificate of the physically disabled.
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Inquiries to this page
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Senior Health and Welfare Department Senior Home Support Section
Phone: 045-671-2405
Phone: 045-671-2405
Fax: 045-550-3612
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 976-302-682