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Yokohama-shi committee for certification of need

Last updated on March 21, 2025.

committee for certification of need, Yokohama City (Ward Office)

committee for certification of need, Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau

The committee for certification of need Yokohama City was held on Monday, March 27, 2023.
Meeting guidance (PDF: 77KB) [finished]
Summary of Minutes (PDF: 134KB)

Article related to committee for certification of need in Yokohama

Nursing Care Insurance Law (Excerpt from Law No. 123 of 1997)

Chapter 3 committee for certification of need
(committee for certification of need)
Article 14 A committee for certification of need (hereinafter referred to as “certification examination committee”) shall be established in municipalities to carry out the examination and judgment work prescribed in Article 38, paragraph 2.
Article 15 The number of members of the accreditation committee shall be the number specified by ordinance in accordance with the standards specified by Cabinet Order.
2 The members shall be mayors of municipalities (in special wards, Director General) from among those who have academic experience in health, medical care or welfare, such as those requiring care. The same shall apply hereinafter.
(Support for joint establishment)
Article 16 Prefectural governments shall, in response to the request of municipalities to jointly establish the accreditation committee pursuant to the provisions of Article 252-7, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Law (Act No. 67 of 1947), make necessary adjustments between municipalities. You can make
(2) Prefectural governments may provide necessary technical advice and other assistance to the municipalities that have jointly established the accreditation committee to ensure their smooth operation.
(Delegation to Cabinet Order)
Article 17 In addition to what is provided for in this Act, necessary matters concerning the certification examination committee shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.

Nursing Care Insurance Law Enforcement Order (Excerpt from Cabinet Order No. 412)

Chapter 2 committee for certification of need
(Standards for the number of members of the committee for certification of need)
Article 5 The criteria specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in the same paragraph pertaining to the fixed number of members of the certification examination committee prescribed in Article 15, Paragraph 1 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the “certification examination committee”) are the certification for long-term care by the certification examination committee (Including renewal of nursing care required, certification of change of nursing care status classification, and cancellation of certification for long-term care.) The same applies in Article 46.) Or certification required for support (including certification for renewal of support required, certification for changes in the required status category, and cancellation of certification required for support. The same shall apply in the same Article.) In consideration of the number of examinations and judgments pertaining to the above, and other circumstances, the council prescribed in Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the number deemed necessary by each municipality can be set up at the certification examination committee. It is a number.
(Term of office of committee members)
Article 6 The term of a committee member shall be two years (if the municipalities are stipulated in the ordinance for a period of more than two years and less than three years, the period specified in the ordinance). Provided, however, that the term of office of a substitute member shall be the remaining term of the predecessor.
Article 7 One chairman shall be appointed at the Certification Examination Committee and shall be determined by mutual election of members.
2. The President shall preside over the duties and represent the Certification Examination Committee.
3 If the President has an accident, the member nominated in advance shall represent his / her duties.
Article 8 The Certification Examination Committee shall be convened by the President.
2. The accreditation committee cannot open and make a vote without the presence of the chairman and a majority of members.
3 The proceedings of the accreditation committee shall be decided by a majority of the members present, and in the event of a tie, the decision of the chairman shall be made.
(Collaborative body)
Article 9 The Certification Examination Committee is a collaborative body composed of members appointed by the chairman from among the committee members (hereinafter referred to as "council" in this Article), and handles examination and judgment items.
2. The council shall have one head, and shall be determined by the mutual election of the members composing the council.
3 The fixed number of members composing the council shall be the number determined by the municipalities with a standard of five members.
4. The panel cannot hold a meeting and make a vote unless a majority of the members composing this are present.
5. The proceedings of the council shall be decided by a majority of the members present, and in the event of a tie, the decision of the director shall be made.
6 Except when otherwise specified at the accreditation committee, the decision of the council shall be a decision of the accreditation committee.
(Replacement of prefectural committee for certification of need)
Article 10 The provisions of Article 5 through the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to prefectural committee for certification of need prescribed in Article 38, Paragraph 2 of the Act. In this case, the term "municipalities" in Article 5 and Paragraph 3 of the preceding Article shall be replaced with "prefectures".

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Health and Social Welfare Bureau Senior Health and Welfare Department The Long-term Care Insurance Division

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