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  5. Dementia
  6. We hold "seminar & cinema to walk with dementia-so that everyone can smile even if they have dementia-"

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We hold "seminar & cinema to walk with dementia-so that everyone can smile even if they have dementia-"

Last updated on March 11, 2025.

 The number of elderly people with dementia is increasing year by year.

 People with dementia also have what they like or are good at. We value what dementia can do and individuality, and aim to create a society where people can live with a smile while helping each other. .

 We hope that this event will give you a chance to think about dementia by touching on the thoughts of the person with dementia and the appearance of living like that person.
We look forward to your participation!

Event flyer (PDF: 1,886KB) (PDF)

Outline of the event

Date and time

From Wednesday, March 26, 2025 from 10:00 to 16:00


Atrium on the first floor of Yokohama City Hall
Location 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi


  • Directly connected to Exit 1C of Bashamichi Station in Minato Mirai Line
  • 3-minute walk (approximately 200 meters) from JR Sakuragicho Station New South Exit (City Hall Exit)
  • A 3-minute walk from Sakuragicho Station Subway (approximately 200 meters)

    Yokohama City Hall Atrium Homepage (External Link) (External Site)

Event details

  • Public open lecture by a specialist in dementia 

 Theme: Face brain health-Let's learn about MCI and dementia-
 Lecturer: Dr. Haruhiko Akiyama, Dr. Yokohama City Apolexy and Spinal Nerves Center
 Please listen to a lecture from a specialist who you can't usually hear.

※It was very popular and the application has been closed.
 Application form (outside site) (outside site)

  • Introduction of slow shopping initiatives

 "Slow shopping" is an initiative to receive support and enjoy shopping on your own. A panel discussion will be held on the actual activities.

Professional wrestler Masahiro Chono

  • Talk between Masahiro Chono × Dementia himself

 Mr. Chono will talk about the thoughts and hopes of the person with dementia, his current hobbies, etc.

©2023 “Soreike! Gateball Sakura Gumi” Production Committee

  • The movie screening "Soke! Gateball Sakura Gumi,"

[Overview of Works]   
It was a long time ago that 'Youth' was a privilege only for young people.
Now, 100 years of life. No matter how old you are, it's not too late! Laughter, hope, and excitement Sport Neural comedy will surely brighten the future of Japan!
 Please feel the warmth of the connection with the people you can see by drawing the gateball.

  • Panel display

 We post and distribute handbills about thing about dementia business and approach of dementia carried out in Yokohama-shi and 18 wards.

  • Booth

 With the help of people with dementia, university students, caravan mates, local volunteers, etc., we will hold dementia cafes, hand treatment experiences, and watch sticker experience sessions.
※Details will be updated from time to time.

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