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[30,000 yen benefit] Application procedure for price high support benefits

Last updated on February 27, 2025.


Applications will be accepted from Wednesday, February 12, 2025.


Households eligible for payment

The following two conditions must be met.

  • There must be a resident registration in Yokohama City as of December 13, 2024

  • Resident tax per capita rate for all households in 2024 is exempt.

(Note) Households consisting of only dependent relatives of those who are subject to residence tax even if the above conditions are met (eg, students living away from their parents, families living away from those who are working alone) Etc.) are not eligible for payment.

[Children's additional benefits]
Children under the age of 18 (born after April 2, 2006) who are household members of the target household are eligible for addition.
Children born between the day after the base date and May 30, 2025 are also eligible for addition. (Application may be required.)

How to apply

The application method differs depending on the situation of the household.
 Applicable major tax-exempt householdsApplication method and related documents

Households that receive notification of payment

  • Households that received a benefit of 70,000 yen or 100,000 yen (* 1) from Motoichi in the account of the head of household

[Application procedure is not required]
From Monday, February 10, "Notice of Payment" will be sent out sequentially. Please check as soon as you receive it.
(From Friday, March 7, transfer to the account listed in the “Notice of Payment” will be made sequentially)

Households that receive the confirmation letter

  • Households that received a benefit of 70,000 yen or 100,000 yen (* 1) from Motoichi other than the householder's account
  • Households that have received a benefit of 70,000 yen or 100,000 yen (* 1) from Motoichi in the account of the head of household, and whose account name received and the resident registration name of the head of household as of the base date are different
  • Households that did not receive a benefit of 70,000 yen or 100,000 yen (* 1) from Motoichi and have resident registration in Yokohama before January 1, 2024

[Application procedure is required]
From Wednesday, February 12, a "confirmation letter" will be sent out sequentially. Please fill in required items and return it with required documents in the enclosed return envelope.
(Transfer in about one month after the application is accepted.)

Households that require submission of an application

①Households that are not eligible for payment notices or 2 confirmation documents

  • Households that have not declared tax even if they are tax-exempt in fiscal 2024 (eg, those who have zero income or those whose income is only 1.55 million yen or less for public pension etc.)
  • Households whose inhabitant tax per capita rate has been exempt from taxation in 2024 due to the tax return amendment procedure
  • Households that have moved in from outside the city after January 2, 2024
  • Households in which only dependents remain due to divorce from dependents or death of spouse, etc. by December 13, 2024
  • Households that were subject to the residence tax in 2024, but were exempted from the residence tax by ordinance in the middle of the year

[Application procedure is required]
Please fill out the "Application Form" with required items and mail it with required documents. The application form can be obtained from the web page or ward office from Wednesday, February 12.
(Transfer in about one month after the application is accepted.)

(* 1) Benefits to taxable households only for households exempt from inhabitant tax in FY2023 and per capita inhabitant tax, and benefits for new households exempt from inhabitant tax in FY2024.
(Note) The status of taxation of the inhabitant tax per capita rate will be determined as of December 13, 2024, and documents corresponding to the resident registration of Address as of December 13, 2024 will be sent. If you have filed a tax return amendment, you must submit an application.

①Households that receive "Notice of Payment"

Applicable major tax-exempt households

  • Households that received a benefit of 70,000 yen or 100,000 yen (* 1) from Motoichi in the account of the head of household

(* 1) Benefits to taxable households only for households exempt from inhabitant tax in FY2023 and per capita inhabitant tax, and benefits for new households exempt from inhabitant tax in FY2024.

Notice of Payment

I'll send it in a yellow envelope.
A "Notice of Payment" will be mailed to Address (as of December 13), which is registered as a resident of the head of the relevant household, from Monday, February 10, so please check the details.

Scheduled date of payment

We plan to transfer money to the account listed in the "Notice of Payment" from Friday, March 7th. No application procedure is required.

If any of the following reasons apply, please contact the Price High Support Benefit Call Center (0120-045-320).

  • When changing the transfer account (It is expected that it will take about one month from the start of the change procedure to the transfer.)
  • If you decline this benefit
  • Households consisting only of dependent relatives of those who are subject to residence tax (eg, students living away from their parents, families living away from those who are working alone, etc.)

Application deadline If you do not contact us by Wednesday, February 19, we will assume that you have agreed to the payment and will proceed with the payment to the account listed in the "Notice of Payment".

②Households that receive the “Confirmation Form”

Applicable major tax-exempt households

  • Households that received a benefit of 70,000 yen or 100,000 yen (* 1) from Motoichi other than the householder's account
  • Households that have received a benefit of 70,000 yen or 100,000 yen (* 1) from Motoichi in the account of the head of household, and whose account name received and the resident registration name of the head of household as of the base date are different
  • Households that did not receive a benefit of 70,000 yen or 100,000 yen (* 1) from Motoichi and have resident registration in Yokohama before January 1, 2024

(* 1) Benefits to taxable households only for households exempt from inhabitant tax in FY2023 and per capita inhabitant tax, and benefits for new households exempt from inhabitant tax in FY2024.

Confirmation letter

I'll send it in a yellow envelope.
A confirmation letter will be mailed to Address (as of December 13), which is registered as a resident of the head of the relevant household, from Wednesday, February 12.
Please fill in the “Confirmation Form” with required items and return it with required documents in the enclosed return envelope.
(Note) Judgment is made based on the resident registration information and tax information as of December 13, 2024, and a confirmation letter has been sent. Even if the household has been sent a confirmation letter, no benefits will be paid if it does not meet the requirements for payment.

required documents

③Households that need to submit an “Application Form”

Applicable major tax-exempt households

  • Households whose inhabitant tax per capita rate has been exempted from taxation in 2024 due to the tax return amendment procedure (confirmation required)
  • Households that have moved in from outside the city from January 2 to December 13, 2024 among households
  • Households that have not filed resident tax even if they are tax-exempt in fiscal 2024 (eg, those who have zero income or those whose income is only 1.55 million yen or less for public pension, etc.)
  • Households in which only dependents remain due to divorce from dependents who are taxpayers or death of spouse, etc. by December 13, 2024
  • Households that were subject to the residence tax in 2024, but were exempted from the per capita rate by ordinance in the middle of the fiscal year.
  • In addition, households that meet the conditions of payment but are not eligible for "news of payment" or "confirmation letter" from Yokohama City

Application procedure

For households that fall under the above, please obtain the “Application Form” yourself, fill out the required items, and submit it by mail together with required documents.
Please download the application form here.

The application form can also be obtained from the application support window at the ward office and the [Price High Support Benefit Call Center].

required documents

  • Copy of identity verification documents (head of household, proxy/agent)
  • Copy of documents that can confirm the transfer account
  • Copy of 2024 residence tax exemption certificate (for all persons transferred to Yokohama City after January 2, 2024)
  • Copy of death certificate (households in which only dependents remain due to the death of dependents)
  • Documents certifying the facts of child birth (for children born between December 14, 2024 and May 30, 2025) ※Only applications for child addition

Application by proxy/agent

proxy/agent may carry out the procedure on his behalf.
If proxy/agent is an adult guardian of the applicant, please attach a copy of the adult guardian registration certificate (within three months of issuance).
If the applicant delegates this procedure to proxy/agent, please fill in the confirmation form and proxy application fields.

Destination of various notifications after proxy application

After the application, we will send you a notification if there is any defect in the contents.
If you need to change the address of the notification to Address in proxy/agent, please call the Price High Support Benefit Call Center and obtain the Request for Change of Destination.
(Depending on the time of application, mail may be sent to the original Address. Please understand in advance.

About required documents

Items that can be used as identity verification documents (2 Confirmation Form, 3 Application Form)

  • Driver's license
  • My number card (Please do not submit a copy of the back side, My number notification card is not allowed)
  • Health insurance card
  • Residence Card
  • Certificate of receipt of social security
  • Handbook for the Physically Disabled

Please submit a copy of the side with your name, current address, and date of birth among other documents.

When performing procedures by proxy/agent

In the case of legal representatives

If an adult guardian applies as legal representative, please attach a copy of the certificate of registration under the adult guardianship registration system. (within 3 months from issuance)

In the case of a proxy other than a legal representative
  • When an assistant or assistant applies

Please attach a copy (copy) of the certificate of entry based on the adult guardianship registration system and a copy (copy) of the catalog of proxy rights that confirms that the right of representation has been granted for receiving public benefits.

  • Any application by proxy/agent

A copy of identification documents for both the head of the household and proxy/agent is required.

Documents to confirm the transfer account

Attach a copy of your passbook or a copy of your cash card that can be confirmed by the following three.

  • Name of financial institution and branch name
  • Account number
  • Account holder (Kana)

If you do not have a passbook or cash card for Internet banking, etc., please attach a printed copy of the account information screen after logging in.
(Note) Please take measures such as filling out other personal information in black.

Copy of "2024 Resident Tax Exemption Certificate" (for 3 applications)

Please attach certificate of person who was transferred to Yokohama-shi after January 2, 2024.
If you are under 15 years old without income, you do not need to attach it.
Please obtain the certificate at the municipality where the resident was registered as of January 1, 2024.
※There may be a fee to obtain a certificate.


It's not the Address of the city hall. In addition, we accept application only by mail and cannot apply by bringing to ward office or city hall.
2-1-10, Shinurashimacho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
Kanagawa Post Office Post Office Mail Box ●● Issue Addressed to Yokohama City Price High Support Benefit Reception Center
※Please refer to the table below for the number of the private box.

Private box [Number] Table
Application FormPrivate book box ●● No.

High price support benefits

No. 76

Price high support benefits (for child addition, newborns, etc.)

No. 77

(Note) There will be a postage charge. Free shipping envelopes are available at the application support window set up at the ward office.

Application acceptance period

From Wednesday, February 12, 2025 to Friday, May 30, 2025 [must arrive]
※For applications for children born between the day after the base date and May 30, 2025, it will be [postmark valid] on Friday, May 30, 2025.

From application to payment

  • Upon arrival of the application form, the submitted documents will be reviewed.
  • If there are any deficiencies, we will send you a confirmation phone call or a notice of deficiency from the "Yokohama City Price High Support Benefit Reception Center", so please take measures such as corrections.
  • If there is any defect in the application form, it will take about one month to pay the benefit after the correction is confirmed.
  • As a result of the examination, if you are not eligible for benefits, we will send you a "Information not eligible for payment".

How to check the progress of the review

If you would like to check the progress of the examination, please contact the [Private High Support Benefit Call Center]. However, we can only answer inquiries from the applicant and proxy/agent listed on the application form.
TEL: 0120-045-320 (toll-free)
Reception hours: From 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)
※At present, we have received a very large number of inquiries, making it difficult to connect to the phone. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

If the application is incomplete

From "Yokohama-shi price high support benefit reception center", we send notice of deficiency or call for contents confirmation. Please make corrections, etc. according to the content of the notification.

Method of correcting defects

  • If the contents of the application form are incomplete: Write the correction directly to the notification of deficiencies and return it.
  • If there are missing documents: Please attach the missing documents and return them with the notification of the deficiency.

Deadline for Submission of Deficiencies

Until Monday, June 30, 2025 [must arrive]

  • Postmark is not valid and must arrive by the deadline. Documents received after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • If the application is not submitted by the deadline and the application is not resolved, the application will be deemed to have been withdrawn.

Return method

A return envelope is enclosed with the notification of deficiencies.

Requests to those who have moved

If the resident registration place as of December 13, 2024 is different from the current place of residence, please transfer mail at the post office. You may not be able to receive payment without receiving various notices from Motoichi.
Click here for the Japan Post page (outside site)

Those who have been evacuated due to violence (DV) from spouses or relatives

Those who have evacuated while leaving resident certificate due to violence or other reasons (and accompanying persons) are subject to non-taxation as of December 13, 2024, if they are dependent on DV perpetrators or are in the same household, they will be deemed to be independent households and will be eligible for payment.
In this case, in addition to the “Application Form for DV etc. for refugee,” please fill out the “Application Form for Evacuation”, attach the required documents, and send it to the following address. [For refugee DV, etc.] Information flyer (PDF: 613KB)
Please download the application form here.

Destination of applications for refugee such as DV

(Note) The address is different from the normal destination (Yokohama City Price High Support Benefit Reception Center).
Destination of applications for refugee such as DV

6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau General Affairs Division Special Benefits

Those who have been exempt from taxation in 2024 due to the tax return amendment procedure

If you receive a tax-exempt resident tax change notice after December 13, please attach the revised tax-exempt certificate at the time of application.

If the tax exemption certificate cannot be attached at the time of application, the tax exemption certificate cannot be attached.
In the margin at the top right of the application form
①Tax exemption was made due to the amendment procedure.
②Date on which the amendment was made
③Place where the correction procedure was performed (e.g. tax office, ward office)
Please describe it.

We will send you a notice requesting attachment if there is a reason that it is not attached or cannot be attached.
If the tax return amendment procedure confirms that the household is eligible for payment, we will pay it.

If it is not eligible for payment

As a result of examining the application form, we will send "Information not eligible for the Yokohama City Price High Support Benefit" to those who are not eligible for payment. .

Yokohama City Price High Support Benefit Reception Center

TEL: 0120-045-320 (toll-free)
Reception hours: From 9:00 to 19:00 (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)

※Acceptance date and time are subject to change.
※At present, we have received a very large number of inquiries, making it difficult to connect to the phone. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Foreign languages (English, Chinese, Portuguese, Korean, Vietnamese, Nepali, Spanish, Tagalog) are supported.

Fax number: 0120-303-464 (toll-free number, for hearing-impaired inquiries)

Email address for inquiries: [email protected]

(Note) Inquiries by e-mail may take some time to respond.

Please be careful about special fraud and fraud of personal information!

If you have any suspicious visits, telephone calls, e-mails or mails, please contact the nearest police department or police consultation phone (# 9110).
〇 We will never ask you to operate ATMs from Yokohama City.
〇 Yokohama City will never ask for a transfer of fees for benefits.

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Inquiries to this page

Yokohama City Price High Support Benefit Call Center

Phone: 0120-045-320

Phone: 0120-045-320

Fax: 0120-303-464 (for hearing-impaired inquiries)

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 936-604-303


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