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Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan

Last updated on October 11, 2024.

Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan 2023-2027

Municipal hospitals have formulated the “Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan 2023-2027” as a new five-year medium-term management plan. Utilizing the characteristics of the hospital, we will improve the quality and safety of the medical services we provide, and strive to enhance medical functions, contribute to community medicine as a whole, strengthen management capabilities, and develop human resources. In addition, we will build an independent and sustainable management base and aim to be a hospital that is trusted and chosen by patients and staff.
In addition, we will respond appropriately to the medical needs of citizens and strengthen regional cooperation, and continue to play a leading role as a leading hospital in community medicine.
This plan is also positioned as the “Public Hospital Management Enhancement Plan”, which is required to be formulated based on the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' “Guidelines for Strengthening Public Hospital Management to Ensure a Sustainable Community Medical Provision System”.

Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan 2019-2022

In March 2019, we formulated the Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan 2019-2022.
This plan is also positioned as the “New Public Hospital Reform Plan”, which is required to be formulated based on the “New Public Hospital Reform Guidelines” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan 2015-2018

In July 2015, the “Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan 2015-2018 (FY2015-2018)” was formulated as a successor plan to the “Second Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2024-FY26)”. Did.
This plan is also positioned as the “New Public Hospital Reform Plan”, which is required to be formulated based on the “New Public Hospital Reform Guidelines” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

2nd Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan

In March 2012, we formulated the 2nd Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2012-FY2012) as a successor to the "Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2012-FY23)" .
This plan is also positioned as the “Public Hospital Reform Plan”, which is required to be formulated based on the “Public Hospital Reform Guidelines” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

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