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Shared use

Last updated on June 19, 2024.

The Stroke and Neural Spine Center operates a joint equipment use system that conducts tests at the request of teachers at local medical institutions. The test results will be reported to the requester with readings and reports.
You do not need to become a registered doctor when using the service, so please use it for medical treatment.

Internet Reservation

How to create an account

In our hospital, we use C@RNAConnect made by Fujifilm Medical.
By applying in advance (creating an account), you can use the reservation system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Please fill out the application form, seal, and mail it.

1-2-1, Takigashira, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
To the Yokohama City Apolexy and Spinal Nerves Center Regional Collaboration Office

※We will prepare application documents and return envelopes, so please call the Regional Cooperation General Consultation Office.
※The Internet reservation provides information on MR, CT, and EOS tests. For other inspection requests, please apply by phone.

How to use it

Access the Carna Connect page (external site) and log in with the ID and password for each clinic.

Reservation screen for consultation and examination

Click the "Reservation of Examination / Examination" button.

Calendar screen

Click the Reservation button for the available date.

Request contents entry screen

Enter the required items in the request form and click the reservation button to confirm the reservation.

Please print out and hand the “test request form” and “test guidance” to the patient.
Please inform us that you have the inspection request form and the inspection guide on the day.
No fax to our hospital is required.
At a later date, the test results will be mailed from our hospital to the requesting teacher.

Telephone Reservation

Please call the Regional Collaboration Office for Stroke and Neurospinal Center. We will show you the reservation date and time on the spot.
Phone: 045-753-2938 (direct)

Please send the examination request form and letter of introduction (medical information report form) by fax.
FAX: 045-753-2894 (direct)

Please give the patient a "test request form" and "test guidance".
Please inform us that you have the inspection request form and the inspection guide on the day.
If you have any questions, we may contact you, so please keep a copy of the reservation details.

Forms of Request Forms

CT examination

MR testing

Cerebral blood flow SPECT test

Dut scan inspection

Bone density test

EOS inspection

About type of inspection and inspection frame

Inspection type and inspection frame
Inspection typeDay of the week and timeTime requiredContentsCosts
30% burden
In the case of
CT examination
320 rows mulch
Slice CT
10 to 20 minutesWe accept simple CT examinations of the whole body, including the brain.
※We do not accept a graphic CT examination.
About 7,000 yen
MR testing

From time to time on weekdays
2nd and 4th Saturday
(In principle morning)
※In the afternoon, too.
You may be able to do it.
Please contact us.

From 30 minutes

We accept simple MR tests for the whole body (excluding breasts and heart), including the brain.
※Tests may not be possible for those with metal in the body. Please be sure to check if it is compatible with MR.
※We do not accept shading MR tests.

About 9,000 yen
Cerebral blood flow SPECT test
Fire, Water and Trees
(In principle morning)
1 hourPerforms cerebrovascular scinthography (no load). This report is accompanied by analysis results by e-ZIS and Dr. Radiology's report.About 21,000 yen
Dut scan inspection

Fire, water, wood, gold
10:30 Injection
Inspection after 3-5 hours

40 minutesDopamin translance porter scinthography is performed. This report is accompanied by analysis results from DaTView and Dr. Radiology's report.About 25,000 yen
Bone density test

Month, Water and Gold

10 minutesMeasure in the lumbar spine and proximal femoral recommended in the Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Guidelines (2015 version).About 3,000 yen
EOS inspectionMonth, Water and Gold
10 to 15 minutesEvaluation of the morphology and arrangement of spine, waist, and hip joints under load (standing or sitting position).About 5,000 yen

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Inquiries to this page

Stroke and Neurospinal Center Regional Collaboration General Counseling Room

Phone: 045-753-2938 (direct)

Phone: 045-753-2938 (direct)

Fax: 045-753-2894 (direct)

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 494-657-935


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