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Virus test results of mosquito-borne infectious diseases in Yokohama City

Last updated on March 3, 2025.

Report of virus test results of mosquito-borne infectious diseases by day of mosquito collection

 Mosquito-borne infectious diseases include Japanese Encephalitis native to Japan, dengue fever, which continues to spread worldwide, West Nile fever, which has been rampant in the United States, and Chikungunya fever, whose number of imported infections is increasing.
 We conduct surveillance of mosquito-borne infections that may occur or spread in Japan (e.g. West Nile, Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika virus, Japanese Encephalitis, etc.).
 A trap (trap) will be set up regularly in a park in the city, and the presence or absence of viral genes will be checked at Yokohama City Inst. of Health using the PCR method.
 We will inform you of the test results that conducted a virus test (PCR method) for mosquitoes collected in Yokohama City.

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Microbial Inspection and Research Division, Medical Care Bureau Institute of Health

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