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List of unapproved and unlicensed drugs tested at our office

Last updated on February 26, 2025.

List of unapproved and unlicensed drugs tested at our office
Date of dateProduct namePlace of originDetected pharmaceutical ingredientsSuspicion of complaints and health hazards
March, 2017Devil rodChinaSildenafil 
March, 2017RokujojinpouChinaSildenafil 
March, 2017SeiseihenChinaSildenafil 
September, 2016Gain powerJapanSildenafil 
September, 2013Red Energy New and Outrageous Nuclear ManheadJapanYohinbin 
March, 2013The head of a nuclear powerJapanYohinbin 
May, 2012Mataro GoldJapanYohinbin 
January, 2012Hospital dietThaiDiazepam, thyroid end, bisakodil, fendermine, fluoxetineYes
December, 2010FASTIN YohinbinYes
September, 2010Health e-cigarette2 (mildseven/no)ChinaNicotine 
February, 2010Queen king Bardenafil, Pusoid Valdenafil 
October, 2009Banmi (BANBI)ChinaHydroxythio homosyldenaphyll (new pharmaceutical ingredient), dadaraphyll 
June, 2009SELEb (Celeb)TaiwanThioyldenafilYes
May, 2008Seven whip grainsChinaSildenafil, glybenclamideYes
May, 2008GodChinaSildenafil 
May, 2008Seven whip grainsChinaSildenafil 
November, 2007Hospital dietThaiFrocemide, thyroid end, bisakodil, fluoxetine, shibutramineYes
October, 2006TragedyChinaSildenafil, Tadarafil 
July, 2006Super-grade fat-burned bulletUnited StatesEnd of the thyroid glandYes
March, 2006Power KeepChinaDadarafil 
March, 2006Spiritual treasureChinaDadarafil 
March, 2003Kiyoshi tea Senna 
December, 2002Kenmi tsuchaChinaSennaYes
October, 2002Body SynergyUnited StatesEphedolinYes
August, 2002Kantan Diet No.1ChinaFenflulamineYes
August, 2002BeautyChinaFenflulamineYes
March, 2002Mikanaba DeichaChinaSenna 
May, 2001Aoi leaf tea Senna 
May, 2001Winter Aoiko tea Senna 
May, 2001Ultraslim tea Senna 
May, 2001East-West Winter Aoiko Tea Senna 
May, 2001GOLD Winter Aoiko Tea Senna 
May, 2001Aoiko Diet teaKoreaSenna 
November, 2000Winter Aoiko tea Senna 
November, 2000Winter Aoiko teaKoreaSenna 
November, 2000Diana teaKoreaSenna 


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