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About name, classification, indication of health food

Last updated on February 27, 2025.

 A system has been enforced since April 1, 2001 to allow so-called health foods that meet certain requirements to be labeled as "healthy functional foods".
 Health-functional foods are based on the Food Sanitation Law and the Health Promotion Law, and are individually licensed by the Minister as shown in Fig. 3. A "nutritious food" system that can be labeled without permission, and a "functionally labeled food" system that reports scientific grounds for safety and functionality has been added, and consists of three categories.

Figure 3 Name and Classification of Health Foods

Figure 3 Name and Classification of Health Foods

Foods for specified health use (Tokuho)

 Specified health foods are foods that indicate that the purpose of the health can be expected by ingesting those who take them for specific health purposes in their dietary habits. Must be reviewed by the government and approved by the Minister (Article 43, Paragraph 1 of the Health Promotion Act).
Foods for specified health use and food for conditional specified health use are marked with a permission mark (see below).

Conditional Foods for Specified Health Use

 Among the foods for specified health use, those that do not reach the level of scientific evidence required for permission of the current specified health use food, but have been confirmed to be certain efficacy are conditional specified health use Foods permitted. These foods are marked with the following newly established mark:

<Tokuho Mark> <Conditional Tokuho Mark>
  <Tokuho Mark>      <Conditional Tokuho Mark>

Illustration of well-balanced diet plus health food

 Mandatory labeling "Dietary habits should balance meals based on staple food, main dish, and side dish."
(Effective on February 1, 2005)

 In order to correct the tendency to be excessively expected for "health foods" and to promote the spread of a balanced diet, the above labeling is required on the front of containers and packaging for health-function foods. .
 Use health foods well every day while maintaining a well-balanced diet.


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