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You need to be careful about measles.

Last updated on March 27, 2025.

Measles has occurred in Japan and in Yokohama City.

In Yokohama City, there were several outbreak reports this year, and in addition to cases where there was a history of traveling abroad, there were also reports of cases where there was no history of traveling abroad.

Measles is highly infectious and Vaccinations is the most effective precautionary measure.

  • We recommend that you check your vaccination history in your mother's handbook, etc., and if you are an elementary school student or older and have not been vaccinated twice, we recommend that you inoculate the vaccine.
  • If you are one year old and before entering elementary school (older children) who are eligible for regular vaccinations, get vaccinated appropriately during the vaccination period.
  • Before traveling abroad, check the destination epidemic situation and get the necessary vaccinations.

For those who are planning to travel to endemic areas or those who have returned from endemic areas

At present, measles is prevalent in Southeast Asia and Africa, and the number of reports of infection overseas and diagnosis of measles after returning to Japan is increasing.
If you are planning to travel to an endemic area, please check your history of illness and Vaccinations and consider taking tests and vaccinations.
If you feel unwell after returning from the endemic area, consult a medical institution immediately and follow the instructions of your doctor.

  1. Before traveling abroad, make sure what infectious diseases are prevalent at your destination.
  2. Before traveling abroad, make sure that you have ever been infected with measles or have been vaccinated.
    (If you do not know the above)
    It is recommended that medical institutions measure measles antibody titers and receive vaccinations before traveling abroad.
  3. If you feel unwell after traveling abroad, tell your medical institution "when, where, and what symptoms are occurring" before consulting.

About measles

It is an infection caused by the measles virus, which is very infectious, and almost 100% of people without antibodies are infected.
It is said that measles is not a risk of getting sick once and those who have sufficient immunity with Vaccinations twice.

  • When infected, a cold-like symptom such as fever, cough, runny nose appears after an incubation period of 10 to 12 days, and after fever continues for 2 to 3 days, high fever of 39 degrees or more and red rash throughout the body .
  • It has the ability to infect people around you from one day before symptoms appear to about three days after fever has resolved.

Route of infection

  • Air, droplet, and contact infections are transmitted not only by droplets such as coughs and sneezing, but also by being in the same space as measles patients.

Prevention method of measles

  • Measles can be prevented with a vaccine. We recommend that you check your vaccination history in your mother's handbook, etc., and if you are an elementary school student or older and have not been vaccinated twice, we recommend that you inoculate the vaccine.
  • Measles-like shin mixture (MR vaccine) is targeted for routine immunization by vaccination method. If you are eligible, get vaccinated properly during the vaccination period.

Inquiries to this page

Yokohama City Public Health Center (Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Division)

Phone: 045-671-2463

Phone: 045-671-2463

Fax: 045-664-7296

E-Mail address [email protected]

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