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AED installation status at Yokohama City-related facilities

Last updated on March 7, 2025.

About AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

AEDs are medical devices that are allowed to be used even if they are not engaged in medical care, such as doctors and nurses, for lifesaving purposes.
In the event of ventricular fibrillation, etc., which is at risk of life, taking measures using AED as soon as possible is very effective in improving the survival rate, and even in Yokohama City, at sports centers and public transportation, There have been reports of cases of life saved by the use of AED.
In addition, for first aid, including AED handling training, we regularly hold lifesaving seminars, so we recommend that you take the course in case of emergency.

★Click here to search for AED installation locations.★
Japan Emergency Medical Foundation National AED Map (outside site)

★Links related to AED★
●City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau
What is AED?
Information on Seminars

●Japanese Red Cross Society Kanagawa Branch
About workshop (outside site)

●Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
About appropriate management of automatic external defibrillator (AED) (outside site)

What is AED (Automated External Defibrillator)?
In the event of arrhythmia (ventricular fibrillation, etc.) that is at risk of life, the machine automatically determines whether defibrillation is required even if there is no medical knowledge such as how to read electrocardiograms or arrhythmia. It is a medical device that gives an electric shock to the heart and performs defibrillation if necessary.

Inquiries to this page

Emergency and Disaster Medical Section, Medical Care Bureau Regional Medical Department

Phone: 045-671-3932

Phone: 045-671-3932

Fax: 045-664-3851

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 571-440-848


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