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Organ Transplant Spread Awareness Project

Last updated on September 27, 2024.

News from Yokohama City

October 16th is Green Ribbon Day.

The Green Ribbon is a symbol of global transplant treatment bearing the green, which means growth and new life.
Since the Organ Transplant Law was enacted on October 16, 1997, Japan has designated October as the “Organ Transplant Promotion Month” every year.
October 16 is the Green Ribbon Day, and activities are being conducted nationwide to further establish and spread organ transplants.

Green Ribbon Campaign Light Up 2024

Light-up video last year
Green Light-up Ferris wheel Cosmo Clock 21

The Kanagawa Health Foundation will carry out green light-up at sightseeing spots with the aim of spreading the spread of organ transplants.
Name of the facility: Light-up period
Ferris wheel Cosmo Clock 21: From Sunday, October 13, 2016 to Saturday, October 19, 2019
Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall: From Friday, October 11, Reiwa 6 to Thursday, October 17, 2016
Kanagawa Prefectural Office: From Tuesday, October 15, Reiwa 6 to Saturday, October 19, 2016
Tsurumi Tsubasa Bridge: From Sunday, October 13, Reiwa 6 to Saturday, October 19, 2014
Ofuna Kannon: From Sunday, October 13, Reiwa 6 to Saturday, October 19, 2014
Odawara Castle: From Friday, October 18, Reiwa 6 to Sunday, October 20, 20

Contact information for Green Ribbon Campaign Light Up 2024

About organ transplant spread enlightenment business

Organ transplantation is a medical treatment that connects people who have reduced organ function and can only be cured by transplantation and those who can provide organs after death. About this transplant medical care, we deepen correct understanding including support of renal, eye bank business operated by Kanagawa Health Foundation and holding lecture and plan spread enlightenment and promotion of registration.

What is an organ transplant?

Organ transplantation is a medical treatment that connects people who can only heal by transplant and those who can provide organs after death due to severe illness or accident.

Organ transplantation is a medical treatment that can only be achieved with the provision of good faith. There is a life that can be saved by your will. Please cooperate with your intention to donate organs.

About intention

Organ donation can be made after brain death or death after heart arrest, but organ donation under brain death must be written by a person over 15 years of age in principle. There are three main ways to indicate an organ transplant.

1 Fill out the indicated card and seal

2 Registration via the Internet

3 Fill in the indicated column on your health insurance card, driver's license, and my number card

For inquiries about health insurance cards, driver's licenses, and My Number Cards, please ask each issuer.

From January 17, 2010, along with the intention to provide organs, it is now possible to indicate in writing the intention to give organs preferentially to relatives.

From July 17, 2010, even if you do not know your intention to donate organs, you can donate organs with the consent of your family. This has made it possible to donate organs under brain death from people under the age of 15.

Contact information for organ transplantation

Japan Organ Transplant Network (outside site)

Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Promotion Division

Phone: 045-671-2451

Phone: 045-671-2451

Fax: 045-663-4469

E-Mail address [email protected]

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