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Event information that shows the appeal of medical professionals

We will post event information that allows you to experience and know the appeal of medical professionals.

Last updated on March 19, 2025.

Let's experience medical work [Medical experience program for elementary school students]

Details will be announced after the implementation program is decided.

[News for Business Operators] About recruitment of participating groups of medical experience program for elementary school students


 In Medical Care Bureau, we will implement a medical experience program for elementary school students, "Let's Experience Medical Work," to encourage them to imagine the healthcare industry in the future.
 We are looking for organizations that can provide a place for medical professionals to experience work.

Information on recruitment

Please see the set of guide materials (PDF: 1,501KB)

Application period

March 4-May 31, 2015


Please apply from the following URL of Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system or QR code.   

Electronic Application QR Code

Changes with Information

 In this procedure, the application history and processing status cannot be confirmed from "My Page" or the contents cannot be updated. After receiving the application, the application details will be sent as Excel data and sent to the person in charge, so update will be done with the sent data.
※In the initial guidance, the applicant was required to enter additional information, but the operation has been changed because there are cases where it cannot be done depending on the setting situation.

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Inquiries to this page

Regional Medical Division, Medical Care Bureau Regional Medical Department

Phone: 045-671-2993

Phone: 045-671-2993

Fax: 045-664-3851

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 359-198-109


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