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What if you have a notebook about medical care and care

Last updated on February 17, 2025.

What is "Hello Notebook"?

Hello Notebook (Cover)

The "Hello Notebook" is a notebook for answering three simple questions to discuss in advance what kind of medical care and care you want in case of emergency and to convey your thoughts.
The purpose is to provide an opportunity to think about medical care and care in case of emergency from a healthy perspective.
It can also help you talk about your thoughts with trusted people such as family members.

Easy-to-carry size (9.5cm x 13cm) as a medicine notebook.
It is distributed as a set with a medicine notebook and a cover containing patient's card Shinryo-ken.

※Revised in October 2024

Hello Notebook (PDF: 7,943KB)
Hello Notebook explanation handbill (PDF: 2,779KB)

Distribution location

・Ward office Elderly and Disabled Support Division
Community Care Plaza
Home Healthcare Collaboration Base (Home Health Care Consultation Room)
・Some city pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, etc.

How to use it

Assuming that "the illness that cannot be cured" and "the intention cannot be expressed", we have prepared three questions on the middle side.

1. "Let's think."

If you answer the questions in the notebook, try to organize your thoughts.

2. "Let's talk,"

If you look at your notebook, talk with your family, trusted people, and healthcare and nursing care workers.

3. "Rewrite"

Your thoughts may change depending on discussions, passage of time, and changes in circumstances.
In that case, let's rewrite and discuss it again.

About "What if a notebook is easy to understand"

We have created an "Easy-to-understand version of the notebook" (PDF: 431KB), which has been revised to easy-to-understand expressions based on the conventional "Hello Notebook". .
If it is easy to understand notebook handbill (PDF: 457KB)
◆Basically, it is assumed that it will be used with the support of supporters.

Notebook Easy-to-understand version (cover)
If the notebook is easy to understand (cover)

◆As with the conventional "What if Notebook", we have three questions on the middle side.


If the notebook is not a "will" or "prior instructions", it is not legally binding or enforceable at the emergency site.

About trademark registration of notebook

Please refer to the following for information on trademark registration in the notebook.
About registration of notebook trademark (PDF: 182KB)

Related links

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Inquiries to this page

Medical Care Bureau Regional Medical Section Home Health Care Cooperation Section

Phone: 045-671-2444

Phone: 045-671-2444

Fax: 045-664-3851

E-Mail address [email protected]

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