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medical expenses subsidies for single-parent families

Last updated on January 1, 2025.

What is the medical expenses subsidy for single-parent families?

This is a system in which single-parent families such as mother-child families and father-son families who join employee health insurance subsidize the co-payment of insurance medical treatment when they go to a medical institution due to illness or injury.
We will issue a welfare Medical Certificate to those who are eligible.

Those who are eligible

  • Address is located in Yokohama City, and is a parent who joins any kind of employee health insurance and takes care of elementary school student and its elementary school student, whose mother, father or parent who cares for the elementary school student.
    • elementary school student, whose father or mother died
    • elementary school student, whose parents have been married
    • elementary school student whose father or mother is severely disabled
    • The life and death of father or mother is not clear, elementary school student
    • elementary school student, whose father or mother has been abandoned for more than a year
    • elementary school student where the father or mother has received a DV protection order from the court (limited to those issued upon the request of the mother or father)
    • elementary school student, whose father or mother has been detained by law for more than one year.
    • elementary school student, whose mother had no marriage.
    • elementary school student (orphans, etc.) whose father and mother are unknown
  • Do not exceed a certain income standard

elementary school student is a person who is between the age of eighteen and the first March 31. However, if you have a moderate or higher disability or if you are enrolled in a high school, you will be under 20 years old.

Income limit
  Income for the previous two years
Number of dependent relatives Father or mother (caregiver) Spouses, dependents, etc.
0 people 2.08 million yen 2.36 million yen
1 person 2.46 million yen 2.74 million yen
2 people 2.84 million yen 3.12 million yen
3 people

3.22 million yen

3.5 million yen

4 people

(Additional 380,000 yen for each additional dependent)

Not applicable

It is not applicable in the following cases.

  • If you are receiving welfare
  • If you are in a child welfare facility (including foster parents and foster children)
  • If medical expenses is subsidized by another medical expenses grant project

When you go to a doctor

By presenting your health insurance card (conventional health insurance card, minor insurance card or qualification confirmation) and welfare Medical Certificate to the window of the medical institution, you can receive medical treatment without paying yourself.
Welfare Medical Certificate cannot be used without a health insurance card (conventional health insurance card, minor insurance card or qualification confirmation).

Method of application

For single-parent families, etc., please bring the following and apply to the ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section,medical expenses.

What is required for application

  • Child Raising Allowance Certificate
  • Items that can confirm the contents of employee health insurance (health insurance card, qualification confirmation, notification of qualification information, printed on the insurance card information screen of the minor portal, etc.)

Those who do not have a Child Raising Allowance certificate

If you do not have a Child Raising Allowance certificate, please attach the following documents.

  • certificate of family register
  • Tax (income) certificate for the previous two years [for all items]
    • Taxation (income) certificate issued by the mayor of a municipality in Address as of January 1 of the previous year

Other (if necessary)

  • If there is a person with a disability, documents proving the degree of disability (such as a certificate of the physically disabled)
  • If there is a elementary school student who is under 20 years old and is enrolled in high school, etc., student registration certificate

When the welfare Medical Certificate cannot be used

If you are unable to present the welfare Medical Certificate for unavoidable reasons, or if you go to a hospital that does not cover this system or a hospital outside the prefecture, you can get a refund if you complete the procedures at Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section, ward office in your ward.

Necessary for procedures

  • Welfare Medical Certificate
  • medical expenses receipt (with patient name, total number of insurance medical treatment, period of medical treatment, amount of receipt, medical institution name)
  • Bankbook of the financial institution to which the transfer is made
  • Items that can confirm the contents of employee health insurance (health insurance card, qualification confirmation, notification of qualification information, printed on the insurance card information screen of the minor portal, etc.)

※If the transfer is made to an account other than the applicant, the application must have the delegate (applicant) private seal (using vermilion).

Please be careful

  • Welfare Medical Certificate cannot be used without a health insurance card (conventional health insurance card, minor insurance card or qualification confirmation).
  • Expenses that are not covered by insurance medical treatment, such as the difference in bed charges during hospitalization, and out-of-pocket expenses (standard amount) for meals at the time of hospitalization are not subsidized.
  • Please note that five years after consultation, the statute of limitations will expire and you will not be able to apply.
  • If employee health insurance receives high medical costs or additional benefits, the amount will be paid excluding that amount.

Other Notifications

In the following cases, notification is required.
・When you are no longer a single-parent family
・Address, when your name changes
・When entering (or leaving) a child welfare facility
・When you start receiving another medical expenses subsidy program (the medical expenses subsidy program for severely disabled people)
・When using Medical Certificate due to traffic accidents, etc.
・When you lose or lose Medical Certificate
・When receiving social security
・When living outside the city for study
・When leaving Address for a long period of time
・After the first March 31 after the first March 31 after the date of reaching 18 years of age, continue to receive grants up to the age of 20 due to moderate or higher disability or enrollment in high school, etc. When
・When employee health insurance has changed

Necessary items for notification

・Welfare Medical Certificate
・Items that can confirm the contents of employee health insurance (health insurance card, qualification confirmation, notification of qualification information, printed on the insurance card information screen of the minor portal, etc.)
・private seal※
 ※About private seal, it is necessary to report when we use welfare Medical Certificate due to traffic accidents.

※If you move out of the city, you will not be able to use Medical Certificate, so please be sure to notify us.
※If you go to a medical institution using the Welfare Medical Certificate after you lose your qualification due to a transfer, etc., you will be required to return the amount you received. Please contact the Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid Division for procedures.

Contact information

Contact information for application and system
Ward TEL Ward TEL
Tsurumi Ward 045-510-1810~11 Kanazawa Ward 045-788-7838
Kanagawa Ward 045-411-7126 Kohoku Ward 045-540-2351
Nishi Ward 045-320-8427~28 Midori Ward 045-930-2344
Naka Ward 045-224-8317~18 Aoba Ward 045-978-2337
Minami Ward 045-341-1128 Tsuzuki Ward   045-948-2336~37
Konan Ward 045-847-8423 Izumi Ward 045-800-2427
Hodogaya Ward 045-334-6338 Sakae Ward 045-894-8426
Asahi Ward 045-954-6138 Totsuka Ward 045-866-8450
Isogo Ward 045-750-2428 Seya Ward 045-367-5727~28

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Inquiries to this page

Medical Aid Division, Ministry of Life and Welfare, Health and Social Welfare Bureau

Phone: 045-671-4115

Phone: 045-671-4115

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 782-334-465


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