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- The 2nd Yokohama City Shokuiku Promotion Plan
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The 2nd Yokohama City Shokuiku Promotion Plan
Last updated on November 7, 2024.
The 2nd Shokuiku Promotion Plan was originally formulated as a plan until the end of FY2020.
The period has been extended by the end of FY2023.
Aiming to further promote food education and strengthen its effectiveness, the third food education promotion plan has been introduced.
We devise integrally with the third health Yokohama 21 from 2024.
Outline of the 2nd Yokohama City Shokuiku Promotion Plan
1 Plan Period
From FY2016 to FY2016
2 Basic Philosophy
Foster health and rich humanity through “food” and create a vibrant Yokohama
3 Basic goals
〇 Promote health promotion through food and food safety.
〇 We will promote rich food experiences and fun food, and pass on food culture.
〇 We will promote the creation of an environment related to food.
The 2nd Yokohama City Shokuiku Promotion Plan
Food education start guide
The whole version of the start guide for food education (PDF: 2,229KB)
Citizen opinion offer result of the second food education promotion plan draft (2015)
In Yokohama-shi, we carried out citizen opinion offer to reflect citizen opinion in development of the second food education promotion plan.
Thank you for your valuable opinions and suggestions from citizens.
As we summarized conduct result and way of thinking as city, we announce.
1 Implementation Overview and Results (PDF: 190KB)
2 Contents of opinion and way of thinking of city
Answer list download (PDF: 369KB)
About the first Yokohama-shi food education promotion plan
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