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- Yokohama-shi cancer screening conduct medical institution
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Yokohama-shi cancer screening conduct medical institution
Last updated on March 26, 2025.
A list of Yokohama cancer screening medical institutions is displayed by clicking the ward name below and the type name of health check-up.
※You can also consult a medical institution other than your ward.
Yokohama-shi cancer screening conduct medical institution [Portable Document Format] (as of March 26, 2025)
By health check-up
Stomach cancer (X-ray) health check-up (PDF: 146KB)
Stomach cancer (endoscope) health check-up (PDF: 170KB)
Colorectal cancer health check-up (PDF: 304KB)
Lung Cancer health check-up (PDF: 218KB)
Cervical Cancer health check-up (PDF: 161KB)
health check-up Breast Cancer (PDF: 180KB)
Prostate cancer health check-up (PDF: 334KB)
Please refer to the following page for list of conduct medical institutions of Yokohama-shi Health Checkups hepatitis virus test.
Medical institutions that carry out distinction of hepatitis virus testing in Health Checkups, Yokohama
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Inquiries to this page
City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau Cancer and Disease Control Division
Phone: 045-671-2453
Phone: 045-671-2453
Fax: 045-664-3851
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 630-808-335